小さな語りシリーズ2024/06/18  Small Story Serie



「緊張しているのか? 大丈夫だ、お前ならできるさ」隣の席の同僚が声をかけてきた。俺は笑顔で返事をし、少し気持ちが楽になった。オフィスの空気は熱気で重たく、それでもエアコンの風が心地よい冷たさを運んでいた。





The office was busy in the morning. The strong summer sunlight was coming in through the window, illuminating the documents and computer screens scattered on the desk. I was sitting at my desk preparing for today's presentation. The content of the presentation was a proposal for a new project. I checked the materials with a mixture of tension and expectation, and reviewed the slides many times.

"Are you nervous? Don't worry, I know you can do it," my colleague sitting next to me called out. I replied with a smile and felt a little better. The air in the office was heavy with heat, but the air conditioner brought a pleasant coolness.

As the time for the presentation approached, my heart was beating faster. On the way to the conference room, his colleagues gave him words of encouragement. When I opened the door to the conference room, several of my superiors and colleagues were already sitting there. I took a deep breath and started my presentation.

My voice shook with tension for the first few minutes, but gradually I regained my composure by concentrating on my speech. I focused on carefully conveying my thoughts while looking at the slides. He spoke passionately about the appeal and potential of the project, and as the time for the Q&A session approached, his heart lightened a little.

The presentation ended without a hitch. "Yes, the content was easy to understand, and it was a good presentation," his boss said with a smile. He sighed in relief, and a sense of accomplishment spread over him. When he left the conference room, the blue sky outside the window looked even brighter.

On his way home, in the summer evening, the wind caressed his cheeks, and he walked while looking at the cityscape with a sense of accomplishment and a tired heart. He reflected on the events of the day in his mind and once again felt his own growth. Through the presentation, he was filled with confidence that "he can do it no matter what," and new hope began to sprout in his heart.
With the expectation of further growth in his heart, I looked at the setting sun shining through the buildings with shining eyes.
