小さな語りシリーズ2024/06/05  Small Story Serie

2024/06/05「独り言」"Speaking to oneself"








Every morning, I leave home at the same time and head to a small shopping street a little distance away. There, old-fashioned greengrocers and bakeries line up, creating a warm landscape. As I walk down that path today, a nostalgic scent drifts by.

In a corner of the shopping street, there is an old but well-maintained stationery store. Passing by the store, the colorful papers and pens visible through the glass soothe my heart. Memories of visiting with my mother when I was a child come back, and I naturally smile.

Stopping in front of the store, looking at the show window, I suddenly notice my own mutterings. "Ah, this feeling, how nostalgic..." I feel a little embarrassed for speaking out loud, but the moment warmly resonates in my heart.

After that, I sat down on a nearby bench, watching people passing by. Children playing happily, adults walking busily. Each snapshot of daily life seems precious. Suddenly, I took out a small notebook from my bag and started jotting down the day's events.

Sometimes, I have this habit of noting down my mutterings. It's like a small treasure just for me, where even the smallest things can shine when recorded. Today again, a new page fills up.

Returning home, I carefully place the notebook on a shelf and prepare hot milk, sitting in my favorite chair. The quiet night is a special time for me. Gazing at the starry sky through the gap in the curtains, I reflect on the day.

"Today was a good day..." Once again, a muttering slips from my mouth. In the mundane daily life, moments like these fill my heart with gratitude.
