小さな語りシリーズ2024/05/18  Small Story Serie

2024/05/18「木漏れ日」"Sunlight filtering through the foliage"






Walking down the tree-lined street early in the morning is like a form of meditation. The asphalt, quiet and damp, untouched by anyone yet. The trees slowly awaken from the night's stillness, their leaves casting sunlight filtering through leaves onto the path.

With every step, the patterns of light at my feet change, playing a graceful rhythm like fingers lightly touching piano keys. The air is crisp, and each deep breath fills my lungs with fresh oxygen.

As I watch the dappled sunlight, I wonder how many stories this light has witnessed. The first promises of young lovers, reunions with old friends, moments of farewell mixed with tears and laughter. Each moment woven under this light.

And in that, I realize I am also the protagonist in one of these stories. Even if every day seems repetitive, each is unique and irreplaceably fleeting. The dappled sunlight seems to teach me this.

Walking this avenue enriches my soul with small discoveries and unexpected encounters. I truly feel fortunate to have chosen this path again today.
