
観光案内 March in Kyoto: lost tourist at station

電車で出かける時、近所の駅でも外国人旅行者が多く"Which train should we take to Kyoto station?"と聞かれ、切符を確認し"This train" と指を差しました。案内できましたよ。
March in Kyoto 2024
This year's cherry blossom declaration was on March 29th. With the temperatures rising a bit, my range of activities expanded from local supermarkets and libraries to the city center.
When I took the train, I saw many foreign tourists even at the local station. One of them asked me, "Which train should we take to Kyoto station?" After checking their tickets, I pointed and said, "This train." I was able to assist them!
I also went to Kyoto station myself, and whether it was the platforms, ticket gates, or the station square, everywhere was filled with tourists.
