継続は力→美なり!January in Kyoto: Practice makes perfect "beauty"
なんか今日はいつも以上に爽やかな気分やったわぁ~ 皆さんと身体を充分に動かせて気持ちよかったです。
January 2025 in Kyoto
Today was the first Tai Chi practice of the year!
During our instructor's New Year greeting, I learned that this group is celebrating its 35th anniversary. It made me reflect on the significance and value of continuity.
I'm still in my third year and in the beginner section. Our beginner instructor is one of the first students from this group’s early days. That means she’s been practicing for 35 years! Her movement is so fluid and beautiful. Somehow, I felt even more refreshed than usual today—it was great to move my body fully with everyone in the group. It’s such a nice mood to be in!
"My resolution for 2025" to memorize and be able to perform the 24-form Tai Chi routine on my own!"