【通訳案内士の静岡観光】Hamamatsu and cotton 浜松と綿
(The English descriptions are below.)
Hamamatsu and cotton 浜松と綿
Cotton is taken from cotton plant. Cultivation of cotton needs good drainage, abundant water source, warm and long sunlight hours and well-ventilated place.
Tenryū River is located in the east of Hamamatsu and it often caused flooding. Each time, they brought gravel and it is piled up in Hamamatsu area. Gravel does not have good water retention feature, and Tenryū River could be a great water source. As for climate, Hamamatsu area is warm and it has a special wind called “Enshu-no-Karakkaze” which means dry wind in Hamamatsu area. So, the nature and climate worked in great combination to cultivate cotton plants.
In the late of Edo period (around 1850), cotton industry had been developed. And after that, spinning and weaving industry was established. Toyota and YAMAHA were started from this spinning and weaving business as its machine makers. They expanded their business gradually from this business to vehicles and musical instruments. If cotton was not cultivated in Hamamatsu, we would not have current Japanese main industries.
Usually, the area where is famous for cotton is also famous for cloth dyeing. In Hamamatsu, “Chūzen-zome” was famous. The artisans make this product by using frames that is separated by paste, which worked as embankments. They put colorful ink to each separated space. Since the area is separated, they can change the color easily. Sometimes, they use double or triple colors. The tone of color is natural which cannot be produced by machine printings.
As the technology progresses, chemical fibers and machine printing took place, and the cotton cultivation and cloth dyeing industry drastically decreased. I hope this kind of traditional crafts should be passed down. Lately, the number of such hand made products are low as we prioritize the merchandise cost and its productivity. There are many elements that need to be preserved in these traditional things. Thank you for your kind attention.