
【通訳案内士】Japanese architectual style 日本の建築様式

(The English descriptions are below.)

Japanese architectural style 日本の建築様式

I would like to talk about Japanese architectural style. Japan was abundant of timber, so most of all Japanese traditional buildings are built by wood. And the buildings have unique styles and space such as tatami mat, fusuma and shoji (sliding paper doors and screens), and tokonoma (alcove).

These styles are called shoin-zukuri and it was established around 14th century. The most famous building is Ginkakuji temple in Kyoto. It was spread to all over Japan and it became the main style to build houses.

There are a lot of earthquakes in Japan. So, Japanese buildings contain many earthquake-proof structures. For example, old temple or Shinto shrine are built without nails to absorb shaking. And five story pagodas in some temples are built with a main big pole that is located in the center. It is floor isolation structure and it absorbs the shaking. Those kinds of techniques are used in current buildings. One typical example is Tokyo sky tree which is 634m high. It uses a main pole, and it has a structure of lattice work to absorb the tremor. In 2011, there was a great earthquake in Tohoku and there was huge shaking in Tokyo. However, there is not serious accident at Sky tree.

Please visit Tokyo Sky tree and learn about the structure of earthquake-proof.
