松本一洋 作 江口
松本一洋 作
(Matsumoto Ichiyou)
都にしばらく滞在していた旅僧一行が摂津之國の天王寺へ参詣(西国行脚)しようと、淀川を舟で下り、江口の里へと着きました。江口の里は娼館が建ち並び、宿場の長であった江口ノ君が西行法師の一夜の宿の請願を断ったという古事のある処です。旅僧がその時に西行の詠んだ和歌 「 世の中の 厭(いと)ふまでこそかたからめ 仮の宿りを惜しむ君かな 」 を口ずさみながら哀愁に耽っていると、一人の女人が現れて僧を呼び止めました。彼女は「西行のその歌をどのように思っているのか」と旅僧に問いました。そして、彼女は返歌を詠い、「宿を断った真意を申し上げたい」と云います。彼女は「決して、宿を貸すのを惜しんだのではありません。出家の身である西行と娼館であることを思い、遠慮したのだ。」と告げます。その後、彼女は「自分は江口ノ君の霊だ。」と明かして黄昏の中へ消えてしまいす。僧は江口の里の男から、江口ノ君が普賢菩薩となって顕現したという奇瑞を聞き、霊の供養を勧められます。
やがて、江口ノ君は普賢菩薩へと姿を変え、乗っていた舟は白象(はくじょう)になりました。 そして光輝く白雲に包まれると西の空へと消えて行きました。
A group of traveling monks, who had been staying in the capital for a while, decided to visit Shitennoji Temple in Settsu no Kuni (saigoku pilgrimage) by boat down the Yodo River and arrived at Eguchi no Sato. Eguchi no Sato was lined with brothels, and it was said that Eguchi-no-kimi (lady Eguchi), who was the head of the post town, refused Saigyo's request for a night's lodging. At that time, the traveling monk was immersed in sorrow while humming Saigyo's waka poem, " It is a heartless person to regret even a one-night lodging, which is much easier than the difficult ordination." and a lady had appeared. She asked the traveling monk, "What do you think of Saigyo's poem?" . She recited the reply her waka poem and said "I want to tell you the real reason I refused the inn.". She said, "I never regretted lending the inn. Thinking about Saigyo, who was a monk, and about the brothel, I refused to lend him the inn.". After that, she revealed that she was the spirit of Eguchi-no-kimi, and disappeared into the twilight. The monk heard from a man in Eguchi no Sato that Eguchi-no-kimi had manifested as Fugen Bosatsu, and was advised to hold a memorial service for her spirit.
Late at night, when the traveling monk began to hold a memorial service, Eguchi-no-kimi appeared in a boat on the moonlit river with two prostitutes. Eguchi-no-kimi compared the circumstances of the courtesans to fleeting flowers, snow, and clouds, and composes a waka poem. She superimposed the fate of crossing this world on the boat crossing the river, and danced quietly while explaining the transience of the world and the sin of attachment. After that, Eguchi-no-kimi preached that enlightenment cought be attained by abandoning her attachments.
Eventually, Eguchi-no-kimi transformed into Fugen Bosatsu, and the boat he was on became a white elephant. Then, it disappeared into the western sky as it was enveloped in shining white clouds.
The picture I'm going to introduce this time is the scene where Eguchi-no-kimi appears on a boat. I will be very happy if you enjoy the elegant Shin Yamato-e paintings.