川村曼舟作 燕子花図
川村曼舟 作
(Kawamura Mansyu)
(Iris Flowers)
The season has passed a little, but here is a work that look cool.
It is "Irises Flowers" by Kawamura Manshu. At first glance, it's a simple composition, and I think it's a picture just to sell. However, the blue color of the petals is wonderful, and I think that "lapis lazuli" may be the raw material for mineral pigments. In addition, the water of the pond is often drawn together with the Irises picture, but this picture is not drawn on purpose, and it may be that the water is expressed by chumawashi (the center part decorative silk fabric of kakejiku). Thinking about that, it's a stylish work, isn't it?