

Butterflies and Cancer Detection
by Frank Sherwin, D.Sc. (Hon.) | Nov. 30, 2023

It’s something right out of science fiction. The beautiful, flighty butterfly has been discovered to have cancer detection properties via the ability to see tiny variations in the ultraviolet spectrum.

Who would have guessed?

There have been many incredible discoveries about these beautiful insects these past years, including their wing design,1 antennae,2 and genetics.3 Now add to this list that butterflies are designed with amazing visual features unheard of 30 years ago.

People have the “basic” trichromatic vision that one may have learned about in school. Butterfly vision, however, is far superior, having been designed by the Lord Jesus with ultraviolet and broadband receptors.

Humans have trichromatic vision with three photoreceptors, where every color perceived can be made from a combination of red, green and blue. Butterflies, however, have compound eyes, with six (or more) photoreceptor classes with distinct spectral sensitivities. In particular, the Papilio xuthus, a yellow, Asian swallowtail butterfly, has not only blue, green and red, but also violet, ultraviolet and broadband receptors. Further, butterflies have fluorescent pigments that allow them to convert UV light into visible light which can then be easily sensed by their photoreceptors. This allows them to perceive a broader range of colors and details in their environment.4
 人間は3つの光受容体を備えた3色覚を持ち、知覚されるすべての色は赤、緑、青の組み合わせから作られます。しかし蝶は複眼で、6つ(またはそれ以上)の光受容体があり、それぞれ異なる分光感度を持っています。特に、黄色いアジア系アゲハ蝶であるPapilio xuthusは、青、緑、赤だけでなく、紫、紫外線、広帯域の受容体を持っています。さらに、蝶は蛍光色素を持つため、紫外線を可視光線に変換し、光受容体で容易に感知することができます。これにより、蝶はより幅広い色彩と環境の細部を認識することができるのです。

It cannot be emphasized too much that the conversion of UV light into visible light and thence to photoreceptors is above and beyond evolution’s highly questionable mechanisms of time, mutations, and chance.

Butterflies aren’t the only animals with this most incredible eye design. The hummingbird was also found to have a fourth color cone type in its eye that allows it to see extra colors tinted in ultraviolet.5

Medical technology (e.g., in oncology—the study of cancer) is taking advantage of the butterfly’s visual system. “Inspired by the enhanced visual system of the Papilio xuthus butterfly, a team of researchers have developed an imaging sensor capable of ‘seeing’ into the UV range inaccessible to human eyes.”4
 医療技術(例えば腫瘍学(がんの研究))は、蝶の視覚システムを利用しています。Papilio xuthus蝶の強化された視覚システムにヒントを得て、研究者チームは、人間の目では近づけない紫外線領域まで "見る "ことができる画像センサーを開発しました。

There are a number of biomarkers found in tissues (such as amino acids) that are higher in concentration in cancerous tissues than in those that are healthy. When using UV light, these markers fluoresce or light up, a method called autofluorescence. But in the past, utilizing this procedure with UV light has been limited.
 組織内には多くのバイオマーカー (アミノ酸など) があり、健康な組織よりもがん組織で濃度が高くなります。UVライトを用いると、これらのマーカーは蛍光を発します。これは自己蛍光と呼ばれる方法です。しかし、これまでUVライトを利用したこの方法は限られていました。

Enter an imaging device or camera currently being put together by University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign scientists that uses the eye design from the butterfly.

Beyond the increased number of photoreceptors, butterflies also exhibit a unique tiered structure in their photoreceptors. To replicate the UV sensing mechanism of the Papilio xuthus butterfly, the UIUC team has emulated the process by combining a thin layer of PNCs [perovskite nanocrystals, very good at detecting UV light] with a tiered array of silicon photodiodes.4
 光受容体の数が増えるだけでなく、蝶の光受容体には独特の階層構造が見られます。UIUCの研究チームは、Papilio xuthus蝶の紫外線感知メカニズムを再現するために、PNC(紫外線の検出に非常に優れているペロブスカイトナノ結晶)の薄い層とシリコンフォトダイオードの階層アレイを組み合わせることによって、そのプロセスをエミュレートしました。

What this means is that the scientists, using what God has created in the butterfly,

…evaluated their imaging device on its ability to discriminate cancer-related markers and found that [it] is capable of differentiating between cancer and healthy cells with 99% confidence.

[Bioengineering professor Shuming Nie and computer and electrical engineering professor Viktor Gruev] and their collaborative research team envision being able to use this sensor during surgery. One of the biggest challenges is knowing how much tissue to remove to ensure clear margins and such a sensor can help facilitate the decision-making process when a surgeon is removing a cancerous tumor.4
 生物工学のShuming Nie教授とコンピューター/電気工学のViktor Gruev教授と彼らの共同研究チームは、手術中にこのセンサーを使えるようになることを想定しています。外科医ががん腫瘍を切除する際に、どの程度の組織を切除すれば断端がきれいになるかを知ることは大きな課題のひとつであり、このようなセンサーがあれば意思決定プロセスを促進するのに役立ちます。

To conclude, Viktor Gruev stated, “We've taken inspiration from the visual system of butterflies, who are able to perceive multiple regions in the UV spectrum, and designed a camera that replicates that functionality.”4
 結論として、Viktor Gruev氏は「私たちは、紫外線スペクトルの複数の領域を認識できる蝶の視覚システムからインスピレーショントを得て、その機能を再現するカメラを設計しました。」と述べています。

Creationists would point out that such inspiration ultimately comes from the “God that made the world and all things therein, seeing that he is Lord of heaven and earth...“6

