

Solar System Symmetries

by Frank Sherwin, D.Sc. (Hon.) | May. 22, 2023
Most all school children can recite the planets in our solar system using memory devices such as: “My Very Easy Method Just Speeds Up Names” or “My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Noodles” (Pluto may be added at the end of each mnemonic).
 ほとんどの児童は、次のような方法で太陽系の惑星を暗記することができます: 「My Very Easy Method Just Speeds Up Names」や「My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Noodles」(それぞれのニーモニック(記憶術)の最後には冥王星が追加されることがあります)。

In researching our solar system, Copernicus (1473-1543) determined that our sun was near the center of our solar system, rather than the Earth itself. Johannes Kepler (1571-1630), implementing his laws of planetary motion, correctly described the orbits of the planets as elliptical paths around the Sun. Fifty years later, another creation scientist, Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1726), used his laws of motion and universal gravitation to explain why these orbits were elliptical.

Newton is credited with saying, “Atheism is so senseless. When I look at the solar system, I see the earth at the right distance from the sun to receive the proper amounts of heat and light. This did not happen by chance.” He also stated, “This most beautiful system of the sun, planets, and comets, could only proceed from the counsel and dominion of an intelligent and powerful Being.”
 ニュートンは、「無神論はとても無意味だ。太陽系を見ると、地球が太陽から適切な距離にあり、適切な量の熱と光を受け取っているのがわかる。これは偶然に起こったことではない。」と述べています。 彼はまた、「太陽、惑星、彗星からなるこの最も美しいシステムは、知的で強力な存在の助言と支配からしか生まれない。」とも述べています。

A recent article regarding the “remarkable stability of the orbits of the inner planets” was reported in Physical Review X.1 But according to physical models, they should be in a chaotic mess.
 「内惑星の軌道の驚くべき安定性」に関する最近の記事が、Physical Review X.1誌に掲載されました。しかし、物理モデルによれば、それらは混乱状態になっているはずです。

Earth probably shouldn't exist. That's because the orbits of the inner solar system planets—Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars—are chaotic, and models have suggested that these inner planets should have crashed into each other by now. And yet, that hasn't happened.2

The reason, of course, is because ‘this most beautiful system’ was designed by the Creator, the Lord Jesus Christ, in a very intricate manner.

Planets constantly exert a mutual gravitational pull on each other—and these little tugs constantly make minor adjustments to the planets' orbits. The outer planets, which are much larger, are more resistant to little tugs and so maintain comparatively stable orbits. The problem of inner planet trajectories, however, is still too complicated to solve exactly.2

If and when these sophisticated planet trajectories are finally solved, they will reveal unparalleled complexity. The Livescience article can only speak of “the apparent harmony in our solar system.”2 Apparent? The harmony is real!
 もし、これらの洗練された惑星の軌道が最終的に解明されれば、比類なき複雑さが明らかになることでしょう。Livescienceの記事では、「太陽系における見かけの調和」としか書かれていません 見かけ?調和は実在するのです!

In the 21st century, scientists see our solar system and its formation as being quite unique: “In a stunning surprise, almost all the newly discovered solar systems look very different from our own.”3 This has severely disrupted their attempts to explain our solar system apart from supernatural creation. See below:

Observers in any field of science take a peculiar pleasure in seeing their theorist colleagues collapse into sobbing heaps, but it happens with unnerving regularity with exoplanets. Modelers have consistently failed to predict the diversity of planetary systems out there.4

In addition, our solar system is designed in such a way that life on Earth would flourish, “The question about what exactly makes it [Earth] so special that it harbors life is still a good question.”5 Indeed, the surface of our planet being covered with 73% life-giving water is—according to evolutionists—unusual: “According to [secular] models of Solar System formation, Earth, as an inner Solar System planet, should have little to no water.”6

Jesus Christ is the Creator of space, time, energy, and life. He alone designed and built our solar system, the Milky Way Galaxy, and the universe. He alone deserves the glory.

Yours is the day, yours also the night; you have established the heavenly lights and the sun.7
