

Octopus and Fish Plan a Complex Coordinated Hunt

by Frank Sherwin, D.Sc. (Hon.) | Nov. 11, 2024

The octopus—an invertebrate—never fails to surprise researchers with its incredible abilities.1,2

The octopus was designed by the Lord Jesus with amazing powers of perception, understanding, and reasoning. It has been discovered that some octopuses (molluscs) actually work together with different species (e.g., fish) to hunt.3 When hungry, it can interact with fish and actually share complex decisions to acquire a meal. But they don’t need fish to feed. In captivity, there are stories of how the octopus becomes a stealthy night raider, leaving its tank and attacking neighboring tanks containing fellow invertebrates such as clams and shrimp. By morning the tanks are lifeless, with only empty shells remaining and the guilty octopus having retreated back to its original tank after its midnight smorgasbord.

A group of zoologists recently stated regarding the octopus/fish cooperation, “Multispecies groups, however, entail interactions among highly divergent phenotypes [observable characteristics of a creature], ranging from simple exploitative actions to complex coordinated networks.”3 That is surprising in itself, but the scientists further found “this cross-species relationship is more complex than anyone expected.”4 The Phys.org report additionally stated, “The details revealed by this study suggest this relationship is far more sophisticated than other cross-species hunting associations examined to date.”4 Unfortunately, the zoologists assume this is simply the result of over a half-billion years of evolution.
 動物学者のグループは最近、タコと魚の協力について、「しかし、多種多様なグループには、単純な搾取行動から複雑な協調ネットワークまで、非常に多様な表現型(生物の観察可能な特性)間の相互作用が伴う」と述べました。それ自体が驚くべきことですが、科学者たちはさらに、「この種間の関係は誰もが予想したよりも複雑である」ことを発見しました。 Phys.orgのレポートはさらに、「この研究で明らかになった詳細は、この関係がこれまで調査された他の種間の狩猟関係よりもはるかに複雑であることを示唆している」と述べています。残念ながら、動物学者は、これは単に5億年以上の進化の結果であると想定しています。

In a Nature article discussing this unique hunting strategy, 10 evolutionists reported, “Here we studied hunting groups of otherwise-solitary Octopus cyanea and multiple fish species, to unravel hidden mechanisms of leadership and associated dynamics in functional nature and complexity, when divergence is maximized.”3
 このユニークな狩猟戦略を論じたネイチャー誌の記事 で、10人の進化学者は「ここでは、本来は孤独なワモンダコと複数の魚種の狩猟グループを研究し、リーダーシップの隠れたメカニズムと、分岐が最大化されたときの機能的性質と複雑性に関連するダイナミクスを解明した」と報告しています。

How did the zoologists “unravel [these] hidden mechanisms of leadership” between fish and octopus?

Using sophisticated behavioral analyses of 3D videos captured from 120 hours of diving, Sampaio and team found that each partner in the interaction plays a specific role. There was, in fact, no true leader—they are democratic.

The fish were responsible for exploring the environment and deciding where to move, while the octopus would decide if and when to move. Interestingly, controlled experiments showed the octopuses were guided by social information provided by the fishes.4

Did the social and collective behavior between octopus and fish evolve? Sampaio et al. stated, “Accompanying fish species possess different predation strategies that evolved according to their specific ecological niches, including active bottom-churning feeding.”3 But to just say the strategies evolved in ecological niches is not an explanation. Creationists would say that such predation strategies of the fish are part of their ability to continuously track their environment as they move in and fill specific ecological niches.5
 タコと魚の社会的・集団的行動は進化したのでしょうか? Sampaioらは、「同居する魚種は、活発な底かき混ぜ摂食を含む、特定の生態学的ニッチに応じて進化したさまざまな捕食戦略を持っている」と述べています。しかし、単に戦略が生態学的ニッチで進化したと言うだけでは説明にはなりません。創造論者は、魚のそのような捕食戦略は、魚が特定の生態学的ニッチに移動して満たす際に、環境を継続的に追跡する能力の一部であると言うでしょう。

Evolutionists can only say, “Although collective and social behaviour evolved through natural selection over millions of years, its origin and early history has remained largely unknown.”6 Natural selection over millions of years is just hand-waving, nothing more than a faith statement. Furthermore, the origin of collective and social behaviour will never be known as long as scientists rely on deep time and natural selection.7

Indeed, what was the origin of the invertebrate (e.g., octopus) brain? Two evolutionists writing a perspective about the first brain, stated, “Taken together, there is now increasing evidence for a brain with relatively sophisticated sensory and associative brain centres in the [hypothetical] urbilaterian ancestor of vertebrates and invertebrates, implying that the first urbilaterian brain might already have been quite complex.”8 In other words, brains have always been brains.
 実際のところ、無脊椎動物(例えばタコ)の脳の起源は何だったのでしょうか?最初の脳についての見解を書いた二人の進化論者は、「総合すると、脊椎動物と無脊椎動物の[仮説上の] 左右相称動物動物の祖先には、比較的洗練された感覚と連合の脳中枢を持つ脳があったという証拠が増えており、最初の左右相称動物動物の脳はすでにかなり複雑だった可能性があることを示唆している」と述べています。言い換えれば、脳は常に脳だったのです。

The head of octopus research in the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences of Dartmouth College stated that convergent evolution can actually give rise to the most sophisticated accumulation of matter in the living world.

Just as convergent evolution led to wings in many species, convergent evolution led to complex brains in three lineages: The chordates (e.g. us), the arthropods (e.g. bees), and molluscs (e.g. octopuses). Just as there may be only so many ways to build a wing that works (all involve flapping and a membrane), there may only be so many ways to build a complex brain. By examining the minds and brains of these ‘aliens on Earth’ [octopus], we hope to be able to learn about universal principles of neural circuit design, computation, perception, cognition and consciousness.9
 「収斂進化が多くの種に翼をもたらしたのと同様に、収斂進化は3つの系統、すなわち脊索動物 (例えば人間)、節足動物 (例えばミツバチ)、軟体動物 (例えばタコ) に複雑な脳をもたらした。機能する翼を作る方法が限られているのと同様に (すべて羽ばたきと膜が関係)、複雑な脳を作る方法も限られている可能性がある。これらの「地球上のエイリアン」 [タコ] の心と脳を調べることで、神経回路の設計、計算、知覚、認知、意識の普遍的な原理について学ぶことができると期待している。」

But convergent evolution doesn’t come close to explaining the origin of the complex brain of the octopus or its cognition.10 Stephen Meyer said in his book, Darwin’s Doubt,
 しかし、 収斂進化論はタコの複雑な脳やその認知能力の起源を説明するにはほど遠いのです。Stephen Meyerは著書『ダーウィンの疑念』の中で次のように述べています。

Invoking convergent evolution negates the very logic of the argument from homology, which affirms that similarity implies common ancestry, except – we now learn – in those many, many cases when it does not. Repeatedly invoking convergence negates the assumption that justified the method of phylogenetic reconstruction in the first place, namely, that similarity is a reliable historical signal of common ancestry.11

An invertebrate manifesting reasoning, perception and social skills is nothing short of incredible. Sampaio et al. said of the enigmatic octopus, “This seemingly non-social invertebrate flexibly adapts to heterospecific actions, showing hallmarks of social competence and cognition.”3 This flexible adaptation to cognition and social skills is what we attribute, not to chance and millions of years, but to plan and purpose by Christ, the Master Designer.
