



Academic Writing in English Workshop in Tokyo

As far as I know, many Japanese students as well as early researchers (including associate professors) have several problems in writing academic English in the following areas: 

Structuring an academic paper
Insufficient literature review
Research gaps are not clear
Developing research questions
Paragraph writing skills

Considering those issues, I have made a tentative workshop programme of academic writing skills in English as follows:

[Sample] Academic Writing in English Workshop

Kuniko Shibata, PhD (Global Agenda)

Day 1

Academic Writing [Preparation] Overview (1.5 hours)
Value and role of research
What is an academic paper?
Three pillars of academic papers
Types of academic papers
How to find themes in research
How to define your research problem
Literature review
How to decide a (tentative) title
Structure of an academic paper
Referencing and bibliographies

Academic Writing [Get Started] Overview  (2.5 hours)
Brainstorming and how to organise your idea
How to create an outline of an academic paper
Outline of an essay
Outline of a monograph (academic books) & Headings
Paragraph writing
Developing an outline
Writing an introduction of academic papers
Criteria for grading or scoring academic papers
Workshop + presentation

Learning Paragraph Writing Skills (3 hours)
Paragraph reading: how to read academic papers and books
Paragraph writing: what to do?
Use of signposting languages (exercise)
Arguments in English

Day 2
How to Prepare a Manuscript of Academic Papers
Understanding your readers (50 min)
How to define your research problems (70 min)
Developing your research questions (75 min)
Q & A (45 min)
Preparing a manuscript for international journals (90 min)
Steps to organizing your manuscript (90 min)

If time is left,
How to write a good academic biography (workshop)





Photo by Patrick Robert Doyle


Global Agenda
