
オバマ前大統領 全米高校バーチャル卒業式スピーチ(日本語訳) : Graduate Together 2020

5月16日(土)米国東海岸時間8pmから行われたGraduate Together 2020。これは今回の世界的パンデミックCOVID-19により、卒業式ができない全米の高校卒業生たちのために行われたバーチャル卒業式で、米国の多くのTVチャンネルやそのウェブサイト上で公開された。


筆者はというと、高校卒業ははるか昔、すっかり大人の年齢になった自分自身だが、この新型コロナウイルス により様々な面で一旦休止を強いられ、今日でお篭りもちょうど8週が経過。今までの常識や日常をデトックスし、ニューノーマルに順応することになる我々には不可欠な時間なのだと今は思えている。






Hi, everybody. Aniyah, thank you for that beautiful introduction. I could not be prouder of everything you’ve done in your time with the Obama Foundation. And of course, I couldn't be prouder of all of you and be graduating class of 2020, as well as the teachers and the coaches and most of all, the parents and families who guided you all the way. 


Now, graduating is a big achievement under any circumstances. Some of you had to overcome serious obstacles along the way, whether it was an illness or a parent losing a job, we're living in a neighborhood where people too often count you out. Along with the usual challenges of growing up, all of you have had to deal with the added pressures of social media, reports of school shootings, and the specter of climate change. And then, just as you're about to celebrate having made it through, just as you've been looking forward to proms and senior nights, graduation ceremonies, and let's face it, a whole bunch of parties, the world was turned upside down by global pandemic. And as much as I'm sure you love your parents, I'll bet the big stuck at home with him playing board games or watching Tiger King on TV is not exactly how you envisioned the last few months of your senior year.


Now, I'll be honest with you, the disappointments of missing, a live graduation, those will pass pretty quick. I don't remember much of my own high school graduation. I know that not having to sit there and listen to a commencement speaker isn't all that bad. Mine usually go on way too long. Also, not that many people look great in those caps, especially if you have big ears like me. You'll have plenty of time to catch up with your friends once the immediate public health crisis is over. But what remains true is that your graduation marks your passage into adulthood. The time when you begin to take charge of your own life. It's when you get to decide what's important to you, the kind of career you want to pursue, who you want to build a family with, the values you want to live by. And given the current state of the world, that may be kind of scary.


If you planned on going away for college, getting dropped off at campus in the fall, that's no longer a given. If you were planning to work while going to school, finding that first job is going to be tough. Even families that are relatively well off, they're dealing with massive uncertainty. Those who were struggling before, they're hanging on by a thread. All of which means that you're going to have to grow up faster than some generations. 


This pandemic has shaken up the status quo, laid bare a lot of our country's, deep-seated problems, from massive economic inequality, to ongoing racial disparities, to a lack of basic healthcare for people who need it. It's woken a lot of young people up to the fact that the old ways of doing things just don't work. That it doesn't matter how much money you make if everyone around you is hungry and sick, and that our society are not democracy only work when we think not just about ourselves but about each other. 

このパンデミックは現状を揺るがし、大きな経済的不平等から進行中の人種的格差、それを必要とする人々のための基本的なヘルスケアの欠如まで、わが国の根深い問題の多くを明らかにしました。多くの若者は、古い方法ではうまくいかないという事実に目覚めさせられています。 あなたの周りのみんなが空腹で病気の時、あなたがどれだけお金を稼ぐかなど関係ありません。 そして、我々の社会や民主主義は、自分自身についてだけでなく、お互いについて考える場合にのみ機能します。

It's also pull the curtain back on another hard truth, something that we all have to eventually accept once our childhood comes to an end. You know all those adults that used to think [they were] in charge or knew what they were doing? Turns out they don't have all the answers. A lot of them aren't even asking the right questions. So if the world's going to get better, it's going to be up to you.


That realization may be kind of intimidating, but I hope it's also inspiring. With all the challenges this country faces right now, nobody can tell you, "No you're too young to understand," or "This is how it's always been done." Because with so much uncertainty, with everything suddenly up for grabs, this is your generation's world to shape.


Since I'm one of the old guys, I won't tell you what to do with this power that rests in your hands, but I'll leave you with three quick pieces of advice. First, don't be afraid. America's gone through tough times before. Slavery, civil war, famine, disease, the Great Depression, and 9/11, and each time we came out strong. Usually because a new generation, young people like you, learned from past mistakes and figured out how to make things better.

私は年をとった人間の一人なので、あなたの手にあるその力をどうするべきか話しません。しかし、3つの簡単なアドバイスをお伝えします。 第一に、恐れるな。アメリカはこれまでに奴隷制度、内戦、飢饉、病気、大恐慌、そして9/11という困難な時期を経てきました。そして、その度に私たちは強くなったのは、あなたたちのような新世代の若者が過去の過ちから学び、物事をより良くする方法を見いだしたからです。

Second, do what you think is right. Doing what feels good, what's convenient, what's easy, that's [how kids] think. Unfortunately, a lot of so-called grownups, including some with fancy titles and important jobs, still think that way, which is why things are so screwed up. I hope that instead you decide to ground yourself in values that last like honesty, hard work, responsibility, fairness, generosity, respect for others. You won't get it right every time. You'll make mistakes like we all do. But if you listen to the truth that's inside yourself, even when it's hard, even when it's inconvenient, people will notice. They'll gravitate towards you and you'll be part of the solution instead of part of the problem.


And finally, build a community. No one does big things by themselves. Right now, when people are scared, it's easy to be cynical and say, "Let me just look out for myself or my family or people who look or think or pray like me." But if we're going to get through these difficult times, if we're going to create a world where everybody has opportunity to find a job and afford college, and we're going to save the environment and defeat future pandemics, then we're going to have to do it together. So be alive to one another's struggles. Stand up for one another's rights. Leave behind all the old ways of thinking, the bias, sexism, racial prejudice, status, greed, and set the world on a different path.

そして最後に、コミュニティを構築しよう。自分一人で大きなことをする人はいません。まさに今、人々が恐れているときは、シニカルになるのは簡単ですし、自分自身や自分の家族、あるいは自分と同じ様に見たり考えたり祈ったりする人たちだけに目を向けるのは簡単です。しかし、この困難な時期を乗り切るためには、 誰もが仕事を得る機会に恵まれ、大学に行く余裕のある世界を作るためは、 私たちが環境を守り、将来のパンデミックに打ち勝つためは、私たちは一緒にそれをしなければなりません。だから、お互いの困難を一緒に乗り越えてください。お互いの権利を擁護してください。性差別、人種的偏見、地位、貪欲など、私たちを分断するすべての古い考え方は置き捨て、世界を別の道に進めてください。

When you need help, Michelle and I have made it the mission of our foundation to give young people like you the skills and support to lead in your own communities and to connect you with other young leaders around the country, and around the globe. But, the truth is, you don't need us to tell you what to do because there's so many ways you've already started to lead. Congratulations, class of 2020. Keep making us proud.

