【英語日記】2023/01⑤ 英語力を高めるぞぃ...
I begin a social network App, Hello Talk. This App can help you make connections to those who uses a language you want to grasp. Hello Talk has all different kinds of learning tools. If you use for free, you can use some functions to chat, to get training and to have other user's corrections. It sounds great, isn't it? If you charge for Hello Talk, you can gain a special function which includes translating, covering multiple languages and getting corrected of your written sentences by well-operating AI. I guess it is enough in free course only to learn English. Suppose you did accomplish in other languages, you would be better choosing the premiere option. You may well check there is a sale.
2023年1月26日 DeepL先生
ソーシャルネットワークアプリ「Hello Talk」を始めました。このアプリは、あなたが理解したい言語を使っている人たちとのつながりを作るのに役に立ちます。Hello Talkには様々な学習ツールがあります。無料版では、チャットやトレーニング、添削などの機能を利用できます。いいじゃないですか。Hello Talkを有料で利用すると、翻訳や多言語対応、AIによる文章添削などの特別な機能を利用することができます。英語だけなら無料コースで十分なのでは?他の言語を学びたい場合は、プレミアオプションを選択したほうがいいだろう。セールもあるので、チェックしてみてください。
Now, I have the biggest issue at the moment. It is how to improve my English skill until I will have been to the UK. I think I have two options. One is to find a learning partner on my own and teach each other language. In this way you can cut costs and ultimately make friends. But on the other hand, you can't easily make progress, because you guys have a little teaching skills. Furthermore, you may have to do something you truly want to do. For example, to make filling your vacancies on your profile or to take care of partner's time differences. The other option is to go school. In this case, you can directly commit to the goal that you want to achieve. But it costs a lot of money. Considering it doesn't have the time left for me, I should conduct the second way. However, there may be a third option, which is the hybrid way in both of two. Which way do you like?
2023年1月27日 DeepL先生