銀座の面白サイン / Interesting Signs of Ginza / 银座有趣的标志
コーヒーカップを載せたお盆の写真と思ったら、iPhone 15のカメラのアップでした。
We're greeting the morning on Tokyo's Ginza Chuo dori Ave. What looked like a photo of a coffee cup on a tray turned out to be a close-up of the iPhone 15 camera.
我们在东京银座中央大街迎来了早晨。原以为是放在托盘上的咖啡杯的照片,没想到是iPhone 15相机的特写。
We're experiencing a cloudy morning at Ginza 4 Crossing in Tokyo. A corner of Japan's most famous intersection is currently undergoing redevelopment. The temporary barriers around the construction site are adorned with parodies of Ginza's streetscapes from the 1950s to the 1970s. Those familiar with Japanese language and culture will find it amusing, but even if you're not, you're sure to enjoy the atmosphere.
Let's take a look at the Ginza Daifuku Great Jizo located in Tokyo's Ginza 8. From the front, it appears as a horizontally extended design, but as you view it from the right, the Jizo gradually emerges. Suddenly, a giant and three-dimensional Jizo appears.
If you wish to disseminate information towards Tokyo, or conduct business in the heart of Tokyo, please contact us.
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