無添加 国産 りんご
Additive-free domestic apples
It has been said for a long time, "If you eat an apple, you don't need a doctor." Because it is comprehensively nutritionally balanced and contains a lot of antioxidants, so it is suitable for health management.
The most efficient way is to eat after a little time after dinner! It is also one of the reasons why it is said to be good for health because it promotes digestion with digestive enzymes, prepares the intestinal environment, helps indigestion, etc.
#元気のたね #元気のたねkfv #元気のたねdog #芦屋 #芦屋市 #kfvfruit #genkinotane #kfv #ナッツ専門店 #ト ゙ライフルーツ専門店 #ナッツ #ドライフルーツ #卸売り #卸 #OEM #犬 #犬好き #トイプードル #toypoodle #poodle #japan #狗 #狗零食 #玩具贵宾犬 #爱狗人士 #犬のおやつ #無添加 #りんご #リンゴ #林檎