参考1)アメリカ 10月の雇用統計 就業者増加も 市場予想大きく下回る
参考3)石破首相 “衆院選での民意 謙虚に受け止め丁寧に政権運営”
参考4)自民 首相指名選挙行う特別国会 11月11日召集方針 立民に伝達
参考5)立憲・野田氏、維新・馬場氏と首相指名めぐり協議 野党連携は難航
参考6)日銀、金融政策を現状維持 金利据え置き0.25%
参考9)首都圏マンション、過去最高を更新 東京23区は2年連続1億円台―今年度上半期
参考10)米カード金利21%、過去最高で低所得層直撃 増える延滞
参考12)Super Micro Computer Inc
次に、台湾の半導体メーカーとして著名なTSMC、我が国の熊本に進出して大規模な雇用が生まれたことでも有名なわけですが、こちらは半導体製造業であり、NVIDIAと連携して、GPU等を製造しています。言葉は悪いかもしれませんが、NVIDIAの下請けみたいな位置づけで、急成長した企業です。もともと、NVIDIAを創り上げた伝説の起業家、Jensen Huang氏も台湾出身の起業家であり、台湾の製造業者と顕密にGPUを製造している事自体はなんの違和感もありません。
Google先生に聞くと、こんな答えが返ってくる。クラウドって、雲のイメージあるでしょう。でもさ、これ、冷静に考えると、アマゾンしかり、グーグルしかり、アップル然り、“IT企業(Big tech)の物理サーバーにデータ保管を代行してもらっているだけ”で、別に“舞空術のような雲の上にデータを保管する天才スキームが生み出されたわけでもなんでもない”んだよ。クラウドって聞くと仮想空間にデータがあるように錯覚する人いません?そんなことないからね。物理サーバーに、データーセンターに、データはあるんよ。クラウドでもなんでもないんだよ。レンタルサーバーなんだよww単なる。で、レンタルサーバーにサービスをドッキングしてるから、まあかっこよく言ったってさ、ASPとか、SAASと変わらないんだよ。この、単純に、シンプルにこれだけのサービスが、なんで突如として10数年前に、『クラウド市場が世界を変える!!!』みたいに叫ばれ出したんだ?このことに疑問を感じませんか皆様。
クラウドサービスで代表的なものをいくつかピックアップしてみよう。Amazon Web Services、Microsoft Azure、Google Cloud。あとは、アリババなんかもクラウドサービス立ち上げてるよね。いずれも、超ビッグ企業が、自社の物理サーバーをレンタルし、そのサーバー範囲内にサービスをビルドインして提供しているだけなんだけど、何故かクラウドってなっている。クラウドって聞くとそれっぽく感じるように、皆様も脳内変換されてませんか??これね、大事なのよ。クラウドサービスの歴史を紐解いて行くことが、今回のSMCIの疑惑に少なくとも一定の回答方針が導き出せるんだ。
とある分析によると、クラウドサービスの中でも、ちゃんと黒字になっているところは、唯一、AWS(Amazon Web Services)しかないらしい。他は、まともに事業評価をすると真っ赤らしい。本当は一つ一つ有報から分析したいんですが、今日の主題があくまで“半導体銘柄の会計疑惑”なので、そこはごめんなさい時短目的で割愛します。ともかく、AWSが一つ頭抜けていて、クラウドサービスは基本赤字らしい。まともに事業評価をするとね。
要するに、『Azureの単体売上は良くわからないけど、司法省ともBlack Rockとも取引をしていて、Azureを含むクラウドサービスは飛躍的に売上が伸びており、四半期で120億ドルを越えている(2020年時点、今は遥かに高いはず)』、ということだそうで。クラウドサービス、というカテゴリーで、ビジネスセクターをくくると、とてつもない成長余力がマイクロソフト社において生まれている、と解釈出来るようになっている。これだけ成長性があるセクターなのに、Azure単体の収益は一切明かされないらしい。怪しい。どうも、臭う。そして、司法省とか大御所をマイクロソフトが抑えているのも臭う。
参考14)ダウ平均、NVIDIAを構成銘柄に採用 Intelは除外
大変めでたいな、と思うとともに、どうもタイミング的に、きな臭さも残ってしまう。これで、ダウ採用された直後に、『SMCIの疑義にNVIDIAも密接に関与』みたいな報道が出て、エンロン事件みたいになり、最後にダウが破滅するようなことがないように、注視して頂きたいところ。いずれにせよ、今や半導体指数が世界の株式市場を支えてしまっているわけで、ここが崩れると、『日経平均28,000円がターゲットかな』という呑気な話が全て消し飛び、桁が一つ変わる暴落が発生する可能性すらある。結局、どこまで言っても、クラウドサービスの意味が分からない。自分の大切なデータをクラウド上で保管して、その保管料をカネで支払う。安全、確かに安全なのかもしれないが、中央集権にデータを取られている気持ち悪さが残り続ける。そんなことをするなら、最高値を奪還するビットコインを買って、ブロックチェーン上にデータ保管をすればいい、つまりは、Buy bitcoin。といつも通り言いたいところなんだけど、残念ながら、前述したレポートにもある通り、ブロックチェーンプロジェクトも大半がクラウドサービス利用してるので、非中央集ネットワークに付随するデータすら、中央集権で管理されちまっているというこの矛盾。IPFSとか、本物の分散データ使ってる開発会社にちゃんと依頼しましょうね皆様。ま、クラウドサービスと、とりあえずビットコインは関係ないんで、Buy bitcoinで。そろそろ最高値取りますよ。乞うご期待。繰り返しますが株式市場には今年一番気をつけてね。
【 2018年8月23日発売!ブロックチェーン、仮想通貨をテーマにした松田元新著がKKロングセラーさんから出版されました】
「いい人がお金に困らない 仮想通貨 新時代のルール 」
そして今、ICO(Initial Coin Offering:イニシャル・コイン・オファリング/新規仮想通貨公開)という仕組みが稼働を始め、ビジネスの世界も大きな変革が始まっています。
Episode 683:Amid the suspicious decline of American semiconductor stocks due to accounting scandals, why was NVIDIA suddenly included in the Dow?
We're finally entering what’s sure to be a chaotic November. With the U.S. presidential election approaching, both the cryptocurrency and stock markets are increasingly swayed by U.S. developments rather than Japan’s own domestic factors, leading to a back-and-forth scenario. Let's begin with the mysterious employment statistics released last night.
Reference 1) U.S. October Employment Report - Although employment rose, it fell significantly short of market expectations
An increase of only 12,000 jobs—at this point, there’s no point in even talking about forecasts... What on earth was the last employment report with its abnormal numbers? It’s starting to look like those figures could have been artificially inflated, perhaps by hiring large numbers of staff ahead of the election.
Despite this announcement, both U.S. stocks and the dollar are somehow rising, putting us in a bizarre scenario where straightforward analysis seems futile. Indicators are increasingly just materials for pushing markets up or down. If we're only rationalizing things after the fact, then there’s no point in making predictions. For now, let’s conclude that the real U.S. economy is in poor shape.
Reference 2) If Trump Wins, Sell U.S. Stocks – Following Citi, BofA Issues a Contrarian Warning
The media continues to report on the close race between Trump and Harris, but I think it’s clear without even saying it at this point. The real concern is the market’s reaction after a Trump victory. While I believe it will ultimately strengthen, I have a growing sense that there’s a heightened risk of a temporary drop. The U.S. stock market is in a pretty dire situation, and there’s a strong caution signal for semiconductor stocks, which have been leading the gains thus far (more details to follow).
Reference 3) Prime Minister Ishiba: “Humbly Accepting Public Opinion in the House of Representatives Election and Running the Government with Care”
Regarding Japan's administration, it seems to be facing a significant headwind following the recent snap general election. As I mentioned in my previous column, the JIMINTO-KOMEITO coalition ended up comfortably losing their majority, making this an election that strongly reflected public opinion. Ishiba says he will humbly accept these results, but when he talks about “running the government with care,” it’s clear he hasn’t actually listened… This is far from humble acceptance. Normally, a loss would mean stepping down, yet he’s showing no signs of doing so, maintaining his strong stance. I wonder what will happen with the prime ministerial nomination.
Reference 4) JIMINTO Notifies RIKKEN MINSHUTO of Plan to Convene Special Diet Session on November 11 for Prime Minister Nomination Election
Although the JIMINTO-KOMEITO coalition couldn’t secure a majority, the KOKUMIN MINSHUTO has positioned itself closer to JIMINTO (indirectly), distancing itself from RIKKEN MINSHUTO. This move appears to prevent the opposition from uniting to remove the prime minister. If KOKUMIN MINSHUTO had aligned with RIKKEN MINSHUTO and backed Yuichiro Tamaki as prime minister, we might have seen the opposition seize power and Tamaki take office. However, the fact that they’re not choosing this option suggests there may be some deeper strategy at play—it’s still difficult to understand the political world.
Ideally, I would have liked to see a Sanae Takaichi administration in a more conventional scenario, but as long as Ishiba refuses to step down, the chances of Takaichi rising are nearly nonexistent. This leaves two potential options: (1) Ishiba stays on, resulting in a muddled administration, or (2) Ishiba forms a semi-coalition with KOKUMIN MINSHUTO, leading to Yuichiro Tamaki becoming prime minister. However, even with these options, there still wouldn’t be a majority. For some reason, KOKUMIN MINSHUTO didn’t prepare a sufficient proportional representation list to match its seat gains (they didn’t expect to win so many seats, apparently!), resulting in three seats being ceded to other parties. Therefore, unless JIMINTO, KOMEITO, and KOKUMIN, also bring ISHIN NO KAI on board, stable governance won’t be possible. Yet strangely, ISHIN NO KAI seems to be cozying up to RIKKEN MINSHUTO. What’s going on with ISHIN NO KAI…?
Reference 5) RIKKEN’s Noda Meets with ISHIN’s Baba for Discussions on Prime Minister Nomination, Opposition Unity Proving Difficult
With the opposition unable to unify its stance, there’s really no hope here. It seems the situation will remain messy for a while, but it’s becoming clear that Ishiba will manage to tame KOKUMIN MINSHUTO and end up running a chaotic administration. You can almost guarantee he’ll mess something up again.
Reference 6) Bank of Japan Maintains Current Monetary Policy, Keeps Interest Rate at 0.25%
Perhaps in exasperation over the chaotic governance, Ueda at the Bank of Japan announced a status quo policy in the shortest and briefest report possible. However, in his press conference, he notably omitted the phrase "ample time" that he had frequently referenced before, and repeatedly made statements that sounded quite hawkish. This led to a temporary drop in Nikkei 225 futures below 38,000 yen.
Watching the markets, it’s clear that the highly sensitive keyword remains "interest rates." When it looks like the BOJ might raise rates, the market quickly drops; when there’s talk of the U.S. cutting rates, it rises. The impression is that interest rates are back at the forefront of the market's focus. While the “presidential election” is undeniably the short-term theme, the underlying topic is "interest rates." If Trump wins, inflation will accelerate, and yields will rise. If the BOJ raises rates, Japan’s economy will worsen. In any case, the market is beginning to price in these rate changes. Take a look at this news.
Reference 7) In Tokyo, Rat Infestation Continues Unabated; Even Upper Floors of Apartment Buildings Targeted… Households Struggling as Complete Eradication Proves Challenging
Reference 8) Free Housing Magazine "SUUMO" to Cease Publication at the End of March Next Year
Reference 9) Tokyo Metropolitan Area Apartments Reach New Record High; Average Price in Tokyo's 23 Wards Exceeds 100 Million Yen for the Second Consecutive Year—First Half of the Fiscal Year
Doesn’t real estate seem incredibly suspicious when you look at these reports side by side? Doesn’t it have a whiff of something fishy? Central Tokyo properties showing a 2% gross yield, yet priced comfortably over 100 million yen—isn’t that crazy? And to top it off, there are rats. Paying 100 million yen for a rat-infested apartment is like some kind of punishment. What is this, Disneyland? This is the real haunted mansion. It’s a bubble. And now, right on cue, SUUMO is ceasing publication. It’s coming, don’t you think? I believe a real estate bubble shock is on the horizon.
Wealthy Chinese buyers, who have been snapping up properties, are facing restrictions from their government, making it harder to get their money out of the country. If the main buyers disappear, property prices could plummet on a large scale. Honestly, think about it: in the past, ultra-luxury apartments called “oku-shon” were celebrated, yet now it’s “100 million yen” or “200 million yen—what a bargain” for an average apartment. It’s like, “Are you kidding me?!”
So, here’s the thing. The Bank of Japan needs to raise interest rates. What happens then? Interest rates go up. What about loans? Those who haven’t opted for fixed rates will be crying out in despair. Can you pay them back? No, you can’t. It will be a fire sale. Prices will drop, right? I can’t even consider buying something like that. It doesn’t make sense. I’m not an expert in real estate, but from a basic economic standpoint, this is just “wrong.” There’s always something behind things that seem off. For instance, I’ve been noticing these mysterious information sales groups recently peddling things like “Renovating Regional Properties for High Real Estate Yields♪.” It’s like seeing a shoeshine boy pop up again.
By the way, I digress a bit, but the act of purchasing real estate is synonymous with throwing money down the drain. I’ve written about this many times in my book and in this article. For example, let’s say you buy a property worth 100 million yen with a 35-year loan at a 1% interest rate. Even if we assume the principal of 100 million yen depreciates, you’ll still be paying interest for 35 years, which can amount to nearly 20 million yen in total interest costs. Let’s estimate insurance premiums at a low annual rate of 100,000 yen. That’s 3.5 million yen over 35 years. As for property taxes, I don’t know the current rate, but let’s say it’s roughly 0.75%. Assuming various tax benefits, if you pay 500,000 yen over 35 years, the total expenditure to buy a property worth 100 million yen comes to nearly 145 million yen. Since properties lose about 30% of their market price as soon as you buy them, if you purchase a 70 million yen property, you’ll end up spending 145 million yen. Is this an investment? Or just throwing money down the drain?? I’ll ask again: is this an asset? Or throwing money down the drain??? It’s throwing money down the drain. It really is.
In this game of investment, you only break even if property prices double. This means that with the current real estate prices, we’re in a situation like, “A central Tokyo apartment for 200 million yen! With the added bonus of a free pet rat!” Only then do you start to recover your principal. Can you actually recover it in a situation like this? Of course not.
If you're going to buy a house, you either need to buy it in cash or at a time when there’s significant upside potential. If you’re buying in a country where inflation is accelerating, the economy is thriving, and GDP is increasing, that’s a different story. But if that’s not the case, consider starting a business. You could use half of your house, properly explain it to the tax office, and claim it as a business expense, which would give you tax benefits. For example, if you can write off 200,000 yen in rent as an expense every year, that generates a tax benefit of 2.4 million yen multiplied by your income tax rate. Which option is better? It’s obviously renting!
It’s mind-boggling that people are being pushed into buying condos, getting stuck in slave loans, and unable to quit their jobs, all while commuting every day from faraway suburbs on packed trains, only to hear, “You smell at home,” while living on a pittance of 20,000 yen in pocket money, buying 500 yen lunches. Let's appreciate our fathers who support Japanese society. Long live the Greater Japanese Empire. Fathers are great. Tamaki, please help increase take-home pay. And please do something about the social insurance ultra Ponzi scheme. If our fathers perish, Japan will perish too.
The conversation has strayed, but if the Bank of Japan raises interest rates, many people will be unable to repay their mortgages, leading to a further economic crash. Not only in Japan, but in the United States, there are already reports of a surge in housing distress cases. Hidden behind manipulated employment statistics, the delinquency rate for credit card payments has reportedly already exceeded 4.53%.
Reference 10) U.S. Credit Card Rates Hit 21%, a Record High, Hitting Low-Income Households Hard; Late Payments on the Rise
It seems that the reality of the economic situation in the U.S. is beginning to crumble, but today's topic is neither real estate nor interest rates. Instead, we will focus on the troubling allegations surrounding the semiconductor market, which has significantly contributed to the previous market uptrend. In particular, I want to touch upon the concerning accounting risks associated with a certain semiconductor stock that has hidden "interest rate" risks while contributing to the rise of U.S. stocks. Will we witness a second Enron shock? Among the various scandals of publicly traded companies, accounting-related issues can be fatal in the market. It feels like we are in a dire situation where investors must wait in fear. Today, I intend to thoroughly explore the truth from multiple angles. Let’s get started.
1.The Resignation of the Audit Firm for Semiconductor Stocks
First, please take a look at this article.
Reference 11) Audit Firm Resigns from Super Micro, Governance Concerns Raise – Stock Plummets
When it comes to SMCI, Super Micro Computer, it's a server manufacturer that has been closely associated with the world-leading semiconductor index, particularly with “NVIDIA.” There have been previous media reports pointing out that the Department of Justice was investigating accounting concerns surrounding the company, but now we have the shocking news that EY has resigned, along with a statement. Following this report, SMCI's stock price plummeted, causing a drop in the semiconductor index as well.
Reference 12) Super Micro Computer Inc
The stock price, which had recently maintained close to $50 from a high of $120, has already fallen to nearly $26, causing significant damage to investors. It's unusual that a major audit firm, one of the Big Four, EY, has made a public statement saying, “Due to information that has come to our attention recently, we can no longer trust the claims made by the management and the audit committee.” This situation is nothing short of alarming. What exactly has happened? It’s quite a disturbing story.
Regarding the accounting issues and deficiencies in internal controls at SMCI, we can only wait for publicly disclosed information to clarify matters, but to understand the full picture, it is essential to first examine the flow of trade in the semiconductor market. Many people likely invest in foreign stocks like Oricon and U.S. stocks through NISA (Nippon Individual Savings Account), and those who have made a profit are numerous, yet few are familiar with the trade flow of the semiconductor market, which dominates price sensitivity for most U.S. stocks. Therefore, I will provide a brief and clear explanation.
First, NVIDIA and SMCI have a very close relationship. To put it simply, SMCI procures semiconductors from NVIDIA, manufactures GPU-equipped servers, and provides these server solutions to various companies. In other words, from NVIDIA's perspective, SMCI is a customer, and a very large VIP customer at that. SMCI secures revenue by utilizing the semiconductors purchased from NVIDIA to offer server racks and other solutions to businesses. Therefore, when asked if the internal control issues and accounting concerns at SMCI are “completely unrelated to NVIDIA,” it can at least be visually observed that “it is unlikely to be completely unrelated given the close relationship between the two companies.”
Next, TSMC, a well-known semiconductor manufacturer in Taiwan, is also famous for establishing a large-scale presence in Kumamoto, Japan, creating significant employment opportunities. TSMC operates in semiconductor manufacturing and collaborates with NVIDIA to produce GPUs and other components. It may sound harsh, but it can be described as a subcontractor to NVIDIA, a company that has experienced rapid growth. Notably, Jensen Huang, the legendary entrepreneur who founded NVIDIA, is also from Taiwan, making it completely natural for TSMC to closely collaborate with Taiwanese manufacturers in GPU production.
In other words, when we organize the flow of commerce,
This flow indicates that there are currently significant accounting concerns arising with SMCI, which is responsible for the sales function to customers.
Reference 13) Document subpoena issued to NVIDIA, U.S. Justice Department intensifies antitrust investigation = Report
I recall that recently (in September), there was news about the U.S. Department of Justice investigating NVIDIA regarding antitrust laws, but I thought, "Well, it’s just like the saying, 'the nail that sticks out gets hammered down,' and America has its own troubles." Most investors probably felt the same way.
However, if this investigation by the U.S. Department of Justice actually originated from suspicions that extend beyond antitrust issues to include SMCI's internal controls and accounting doubts—essentially questioning whether "NVIDIA is up to something with SMCI"—the situation becomes considerably more complicated.
There have long been claims from financial market experts that NVIDIA and SMCI are involved in "so-called circular transactions" and that these "transactions without actual revenue resemble a Ponzi scheme." Whether this is true raises important questions. Moreover, while circular transactions are not illegal per se (though they are not sincere if they lack substance), based on the information available at this time, I cannot confidently declare that "both NVIDIA and SMCI are engaging in circular transactions!!!" Such a bold claim would be foolish, not brave. However, I have had several lingering questions about this issue for some time, so I would like to address some personal inquiries that may be tangentially related to the SMCI controversy.
2.The Mysterious Emergence of the Cloud Market
This is quite an important point to consider when thinking about the extent to which the SMCI issue may spread, but do any of you really understand the cloud market or cloud services? In fact, despite having managed an IT business for a long time, I don’t really understand it either. I don’t grasp it at a fundamental level. Because it’s still unclear to me. Why is it called cloud services? How is it different from previous models like SaaS or ASP? And let's avoid the sloppy argument of defining "cloud" by saying, "If it meets these criteria, then it's cloud; can't you understand that, you fool?" Let's take a moment to calmly and thoroughly think about it. What is the cloud?
When you ask Google, you get responses like this. The concept of the cloud often evokes images of clouds. But if you think about it calmly, whether it's Amazon, Google, or Apple, they're just “delegating the storage of data to the physical servers of IT companies (Big Tech)”; it’s not like some genius scheme has been created to store data in the clouds like in a fantasy. Don't some people mistakenly think that when they hear "cloud," the data exists in a virtual space? That's not the case. The data is on physical servers, in data centers. It's not "cloud" at all; it’s simply rental servers, just that. And since services are docked onto these rental servers, no matter how stylishly you phrase it, it’s not different from ASP (Application Service Provider) or SaaS (Software as a Service). Why did such a simple, straightforward service suddenly start being touted about 10 years ago as “the cloud market will change the world!”? Doesn’t that raise questions for you all?
Let’s pick out a few representative examples of cloud services: Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud. Then there's Alibaba, which has also launched cloud services. All of these super big companies are merely renting out their physical servers and building services within that server scope, yet it’s somehow labeled as “cloud.” When you hear “cloud,” doesn’t it feel more impressive, as if your brain is transforming it that way? This is important. Unraveling the history of cloud services can lead to at least a certain answer to the current SMCI allegations.
According to a certain analysis, it seems that among cloud services, the only one that is actually in the black is AWS (Amazon Web Services). The others, if assessed properly as businesses, appear to be in the red. I would really like to analyze each one from their annual reports, but since today’s topic is primarily about “accounting allegations concerning semiconductor stocks,” I’ll skip that for the sake of time. In any case, it seems that AWS stands out while other cloud services are fundamentally operating at a loss—if you evaluate them properly.
The reason AWS is the only profitable one is that its major clients include the U.S. military, the CIA, and so-called intelligence agencies. The question arises, “Why are such organizations using AWS’s cloud services?” However, if you think about it, the customer addresses and sender information held by Amazon could be incredibly useful data for assassinating terrorists or dangerous individuals. That might give some insight into why only AWS is valued so highly. Of course, the business of using cloud services and the business of buying customer information from those using cloud services are structurally different, but it’s hard to believe that such transactions don’t exist at all. Based on this hypothesis, I can understand the rationale behind AWS achieving profitability.
Next, the majority of cloud services seem to be operating in this sudden and mysterious bubble known as the cloud market, despite the fact that they aren’t really making much profit. The economic rationale for their continued service provision is not entirely clear. Of course, since they can extract all customer information, cloud service owners can track everything their users do. However, with the tightening of personal data protection policies in places like Europe, if they were to openly engage in such practices, they would face a lawsuit deluge. So even if they might be doing it behind the scenes, they must at least pretend to provide legitimate services. Nevertheless, when you keep asking yourself, “What’s the desperate reason for continuing to provide cloud services?” you might stumble upon a rather frightening hypothesis: that cloud services are essentially just air, what they are selling. This implies that by adjusting the amount of server data they provide, they can generate revenue as needed. Perhaps this is why the cloud service market was formed in the first place. In other words, to transform fictitious sales into legitimate revenue, cloud services may have been created to sell data at an enormous scale that would otherwise be unusable in a virtual space.
3.The Reality of Cloud Services
The background to the mysterious birth of the cloud service market, which I discussed in the previous section, is all based on hypotheses. As a consumer, I wrote about it from the perspective of “I don’t really get this cloud thing.” Therefore, let’s take a closer look at the actual state of cloud services. This website has done an excellent job of organizing cloud services in a way that is easy to understand, so I’ll quote it (thank you, the owner of this website, you’re a god).
Reference 13) Azure Market Share—Considerations on Revenue, Growth Rate, and Competitiveness
Since it would be endless to read in detail, I will summarize and discuss only the important points.
In summary, "While the standalone revenue of Azure is not well understood, it is trading with the Department of Justice and BlackRock, and cloud services, including Azure, have seen explosive sales growth, surpassing $12 billion in a quarter (as of 2020, and it must be much higher now)." This suggests that there is tremendous growth potential for Microsoft within the category of cloud services. Despite the significant growth in this sector, it appears that Azure's individual revenue figures are not disclosed at all. This is suspicious. It raises concerns. Furthermore, Microsoft's connections with key players like the Department of Justice and industry giants also seem dubious.
Returning to NVIDIA, the company collaborates with these cloud services, integrating GPUs into their platforms so that users can experience NVIDIA's services. While these NVIDIA services can sometimes be sold directly, they can also be distributed through partnerships, such as with SMCI. If SMCI is facing accounting and internal control allegations, the worst-case scenario that could be considered is as follows.
In other words, instead of selling data centers, there is a possibility that they are incurring mysterious expenditures known as cloud platform usage fees to generate revenue, creating an appearance of growth through the cloud platform. If this scheme exists, it means that the unrealized gains in NVIDIA's stock in the equity market are essentially being used as the source of profits, which equates to making money out of thin air. Saying, "This is the true cloud service," doesn’t even qualify as a pun. If this scheme, large or small, were functioning, it would make sense that SMCI, positioned between customers and vendors, would be pointed out for complex business flow issues, and it also aligns with the seemingly abnormal speed at which NVIDIA's stock has risen. Moreover, the lack of productive BtoC use cases that leverage NVIDIA's GPU data centers—such as AI-generated adult content or AI-created fraudulent advertisements—might lead some investors to feel a sense of incongruity regarding NVIDIA's rapid growth, which is fundamentally hardware-based.
At the very least, all the considerations expressed here are merely hypotheses, and if there is an investigation into SMCI, it will be necessary to draw a more concrete narrative based on the audit firm's findings, should they take over the investigation and clarify any doubts with their reports.
4.Just then, NVIDIA was added to the Dow
Even though SMCI, which has a close relationship with NVIDIA, was rejected due to internal control issues raised by the auditing firm, NVIDIA has been robustly included in the Dow Jones Industrial Average.
Reference 14) Dow Jones Average Includes NVIDIA; Intel Excluded
I find it quite celebratory, but at the same time, the timing also leaves a lingering sense of unease. I hope we don't see reports right after NVIDIA's inclusion in the Dow suggesting that "NVIDIA is closely involved in the SMCI controversy," leading to a situation reminiscent of the Enron scandal, where the Dow faces ruin. In any case, the semiconductor index is currently propping up global stock markets, and if it collapses, the casual talk about "Nikkei average targeting 28,000 yen" could vanish, potentially resulting in a drastic drop that changes the scale entirely. Ultimately, I still don't understand the meaning of cloud services. Storing my valuable data in the cloud and paying for that storage feels unsettling, as it seems my data is under centralized control. If that's the case, I might as well buy Bitcoin, which is poised to reclaim its all-time high, and store data on the blockchain—essentially, Buy Bitcoin. I want to say that as usual, but unfortunately, as mentioned in the earlier reports, most blockchain projects also utilize cloud services, so even the data associated with decentralized networks is managed centrally, leading to this contradiction. We should properly engage development companies that use real decentralized data like IPFS. Well, for now, cloud services and Bitcoin aren’t related, so Buy Bitcoin. We’re about to reach new all-time highs. Stay tuned. I reiterate, please be especially cautious in the stock market this year.
"Revolutionary" MATSUDA GEN will reveal all the truths that can now be spoken.
This is a membership (circle) recommended for the following individuals:
Those interested in the genesis and truth of WWB, its current status, and future possibilities.
Those curious about the background and truth behind the birth of WWX, as well as its future outlook.
Those who want to know why c0ban was placed on the whitelist.
Individuals interested in cryptocurrency market forecasts (BTC, ETH, and others).
Those who want to understand why it became possible to register a cryptocurrency exchange business that was once deemed impossible.
Individuals who would like to hear opinions and insights about the experiences gained through running a publicly-listed company.
Those who are interested in joint ventures among members.
Those interested in cryptocurrency mining setup and operation.
Individuals looking for free drops of digital coupons issued within the community.
Those seeking advice on fundraising (listed or unlisted) and public relations/investor relations (for listed companies).
Individuals who want to learn how to effectively convey a company's value (stock price) to the market, along with its actual performance.
Those in need of support related to overall corporate management.
Individuals facing existential dilemmas in navigating the underworld of the business world that lies ahead.
"Released on August 23, 2018! MATSUDA GEN's new book on blockchain and cryptocurrency themes has been published by KK Longseller.
A new era of "capitalism," rewriting "values" and "ways of life." The new economic system for good people to win is born here.
With the proliferation of blockchain, we rethink "empathy," "inspiration," "compassion," "forgiveness," and "respect."
Thanks to the spread of blockchain, will we live in a world where "good people receive money even without working?"
Currently, cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin are primarily treated as speculative commodities, but in the future, they will play their intended role as real currencies.
The true identity of cryptocurrency is the unalterable digital data called "blockchain."
Just as the Internet has significantly changed people's lives until now, blockchain will also, in the near future, transform people's lives into new forms, along with new technologies like AI.
Enterprising newcomers to the cryptocurrency industry predict the future of cryptocurrencies!
▼Purchase the book here▼
"Released on January 6, 2018! We have published the first book in Japan on the theme of ICO, co-authored by MATSUDA GEN. It reveals the essence of cryptocurrency services and ICOs, along with the strategies of various companies!
This book, a triple collaboration between Roger Ver, known as the "Bitcoin Jesus" and CEO of bitcoin.com, Kanemoto Kaneto, and MATSUDA GEN, delves into the future that cryptocurrency will undoubtedly bring closer.
Why will the world change with cryptocurrency?
How is Wowoo trying to change the world?
What will happen to nations?
What will happen to currency?
What will happen to our lives?
In the 20th century, when personal computers and the internet began to spread in society, only a very small number of people realized that these technologies would fundamentally change human life. At this point, blockchain is in a similarly revolutionary position, often considered "too groundbreaking to easily comprehend."
First and foremost, we want you to understand the specific use cases of blockchain. Bitcoin also uses blockchain technology. Therefore, every transaction, from whom and to whom, and for how much, has been recorded since 2009. Moreover, since these transaction records cannot be altered later, it is impossible to steal or embezzle cryptocurrency.
Cryptocurrency may seem suspicious to many because it is invisible. However, backed by blockchain, it is actually much more resistant to fraudulent activities than physical cash. Furthermore, cryptocurrency is a disruptive innovation that could significantly shake the role of conventional financial institutions like banks and securities companies.
Now, the ICO (Initial Coin Offering) mechanism has started to operate, and the world of business is undergoing a major transformation.
▼Purchase the book here▼