
ドラゴンクエストIII HD-2Dリメイクを買わないでください Don't Buy Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake

Another game ruined by censorship and western mindset infecting Japanese work.

Dragon Quest is a game with no need for introduction. A title that is known by many and universally acclaimed. The most important titles, Dragon Quest 1 to 3, especially the third game elevated the series to the levels its at now. With a remake on the way it should be cause for celebration of the Erdrick trilogy however is not. The Dragon Quest remake has been revealed to be riddled in censorship to sanitize the work of the Late Akira Toriyama and insult his legacy for the sake of "modern audience", in other words for western political standards against things they don't like. Do not buy this remake.
ドラゴンクエストは、紹介の必要がないゲームです。多くの人に知られ、世界中で絶賛されているタイトルです。最も重要なタイトルであるドラゴンクエスト 1 から 3、特に 3 番目のゲームは、シリーズを現在のレベルにまで引き上げました。リメイクが予定されているため、エルドリック三部作を祝う理由になるはずですが、そうではありません。ドラゴンクエストのリメイクは、故鳥山明の作品を浄化し、彼の遺産を侮辱するために、つまり「現代の観客」のために、言い換えれば、彼らが好まないものに対する西洋の政治的基準のために、検閲に満ちていることが明らかになりました。このリメイクを購入しないでください。

I. Akira Toriyama
II. Troll Censorship
III. Character Design Censorship
IV. Body Type A/B
V. Reactions to the news
VI. Conclusion

I. Akira Toriyama

Main Artist of Dragon Quest, passed away early this year
house hold name to legacy works, such as Dragon Quest, Chrono Trigger, Dragonball

Akira Toriyama's legacy is not to be understated. Much of modern anime especially to shounen are influenced by his work on DragonBall. The main character type that trains to get stronger with a cast of characters is largely popularized by Dragonball and evident its influenced on Mangakas long after. His work on Chrono Trigger, another beloved IP and Dragon Quest shows his art has a way of connecting to people and quality in the work. All this to say the new remake is an insult to that legacy by sanitizing his art design. It is clear whoever is in charge of the remake views his style as "archaic" and dated and not "modern enough" for the current times. When a work is censored its not a small thing, it ripples out all throughout the game and is clear its no longer one worth buying.
鳥山明の功績は過小評価されるべきではない。現代のアニメ、特に少年アニメの多くは、彼のドラゴンボール作品の影響を受けています。キャラクターたちと一緒に強くなるためにトレーニングする主人公のタイプは、ドラゴンボールによって広く普及し、その後の漫画家たちにも影響を与えたことは明らかです。彼のクロノトリガー、もう一つの愛される IP、そしてドラゴンクエストでの作品は、彼の芸術が人々とつながる方法と作品の質を持っていることを示しています。つまり、新しいリメイクは彼のアートデザインを浄化することで、その功績に対する侮辱です。リメイクを担当した人が誰であれ、彼のスタイルを「古風」で時代遅れで、現在の時代に「十分に現代的」ではないと見なしていることは明らかです。作品が検閲されると、それは小さなことではなく、ゲーム全体に波及し、もはや購入する価値がないことは明らかです。

II. Troll Censorship

The Troll enemy in each Dragon Quest 3, the newest one censors his mouth cause of racist views of workers today viewing it

The Troll enemy of Dragon Quest 3, simple yet iconic in its design is now censored. The mouth, which had been fine in each iteration of the game is now removed leaving a ugly impression where his lips used to be. The answer to why is pure stupidity of the censorship of today. They view the lips as "black coded" which is the say they view the Troll as a black person and the lips too much like a black person's lips. This shows the racist views of the people pushing censorship onto this game that they can't get out their own way of how they view black people. Instead the game now has to suffer for the stupidity of these people. The Troll is just an obvious example of this censorship, there's much more than that.
ドラゴンクエスト 3 のトロールの敵は、シンプルながらも象徴的なデザインですが、現在は検閲されています。ゲームの各バージョンでは問題なかった口が削除され、唇があった場所に醜い跡が残っています。その理由は、今日の検閲の愚かさそのものです。彼らは唇を「黒人のコード」と見なしており、つまりトロールを黒人と見なし、唇が黒人の唇に似すぎているということです。これは、このゲームに検閲を押し付けている人々の人種差別的な見方を示しています。彼らは黒人に対する見方を自分のやり方で変えることができません。代わりに、ゲームはこれらの人々の愚かさのために苦しむことになります。トロールはこの検閲の明らかな例に過ぎません。それだけではありません。

III. Character Design Censorship

Female warrior and Gadabout class censored

The censorship of various classes is terrible in Dragon Quest 3. The Warrior as the picture above showed is now given a unnecessary under shirt and pants to her armor. Not only does it look asinine but it just wouldn't be practical. Its strange the lengths they go to cover up as if that's more realistic when its a game about fighting monsters and supernatural things as if that's realistic.
ドラゴンクエスト 3 では、さまざまな職業に対する検閲がひどい。上の写真で示されているように、戦士には鎧の下に不要なシャツとズボンが与えられている。これは馬鹿げているだけでなく、実用的ではない。モンスターや超自然的なものと戦うゲームなのに、それがより現実的であるかのように隠すためにこれほど努力するのは奇妙だ。

(left to right) new to the original, the core point is missing and just becomes a bunnygirl than cabaret

The Gadabout class also suffers from this. The original is more about flirtatious vibe by subtlety a child wouldn't get with the alcohol bottle and bunny outfit but is a smart gag for adults. now the outfit is more covered and the alcohol bottle is just removed to a normal bottle missing the point of the design.
Gadabout クラスもこれに悩まされています。オリジナルは、アルコール ボトルとウサギの衣装で子供が感じないようなさりげない雰囲気を醸し出していますが、大人にとっては気の利いたジョークです。現在では衣装はより覆われ、アルコール ボトルは取り外されて通常のボトルになり、デザインのポイントが失われています。

the priest class shown in a video by ScouterVee
ScouterVee のビデオで紹介されている司祭クラス https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E6KCDwAtM50

The priest class is another ruined by censorship. The new one sports a Pike like symbol on their chest instead of the original design. The irony of this is this symbol is more in line to The Devil in popular media making the priest class literally support the opposite of what they're suppose to destroy.

The original class design. Shows christian cross as they are priests. somehow this is now wrong to do in modern games

The original showed a Christian cross which now western media hates and often insults due to a cultural push back against anything christian in modern societies as well as religious symbolism to Christianity. This destroys the point of the class to wearing a nonsense symbol and one that makes no sense.

The previous art and designs of Akira Toriyama is constantly being destroyed by a fake notion of progressiveness - an idea that they can do it better than those that came before and its insulting.

IV. Body Type A/B

The protagonist is either a man or woman but only referred to as type a/b

The protagonist of Dragon Quest 3 is now referred to as (you). This version of the protagonist when chosen is under body type A or body type B. Often modern games push a notion of amorphousness in character creator, which this isn't as u can't customize them at all just if u pick a man or woman, but now games have become too afraid to mention if you are a man or woman. This is what modern agenda pushing does to a product. Female outfits are censored yet they can't define them as women, just body type B.

V. Reactions to the news

a person reacting to people being angry on the changes saying they're too soft if it bothers them

The reactions to the news has been mixed, those angry at the changes and those defending it ideologically. The above "motherfucker you couldn't even handle a character creation" implying the changes are negligible and complaining about makes you weak while forgetting the change is unnecessary and deliberate to undermine the previous notion of gender.

another comment insulting complaints as "right wing" politically aligned people and therefore wrong

Another comment down plays it as "the true hero" is the player and therefore is a negligible change (you) "it represents the player". This ignores the censorship of gender being removed for amorphous body type a/b and why its being done in modern games. It obfuscates the fact by saying the changes are "good intention" when they're politically motivated.
別のコメントでは、「真のヒーロー」はプレイヤーであり、したがって「プレイヤーを代表する」という無視できる変更である(あなた)としています。これは、不定形な体型 a/b の性別が削除されるという検閲と、それが現代のゲームで行われている理由を無視しています。政治的な動機による変更を「善意」であると言って事実を曖昧にしています。

Two people discussing the changes but being spiteful about it

Another series of comments talking about the changes. The first pointing out the type a/b is a problem but quickly joking that she needs a more voluptuous body. The second being surprised the female protagonist design not being overly sexual designs like "every other JRPG" showing a clear discontent with designs that show skin. Its clear the ignorance on the display in both and spite towards sexual designs as a problem that needed removing.
変更について語るコメントがまた続々と登場。最初のコメントは、タイプ a/b が問題だと指摘しながらも、すぐに彼女にはもっと肉感的な体が必要だと冗談を飛ばしている。2 番目のコメントは、女性主人公のデザインが「他のすべての JRPG」のように過度に性的ではないことに驚き、肌を露出するデザインに明らかに不満を示している。どちらも明らかに無知で、性的デザインを問題として排除する必要があると悪意を持っている。

What we see here are people defending the designs are clearly motivated by their disdain for classic JRPG designs and Japanese culture and view any change as good.
ここでわかるのは、デザインを擁護する人々が、古典的な JRPG デザインと日本文化に対する軽蔑から動機づけられており、いかなる変化もよいことだと考えているということです。

VI. Conclusion
Do not Dragon Quest III Remake. Its clear the intent of the remake was not to bring back a legacy title but to undermine it at every corner. Its clear the real goal was the destroy the legacy of the game to sell a new, more "modern" version of the game that is in line with "modern" views, in other words they view the old as bad and that they can "do better". It is even more how this is a game after the passing of Akira Toriyama and they cheaply censor and change his work.

It is never worth buying a inferior version of a product under the want of having that product. Let it die out and you will get better things for it than accepting mediocrity.

