change the language
If I change the language,
will I be able to hide my negativity ?
Everyone is just passing by,
but it will dilute the emptiness.
Information overload world.
The wreckage of us flowing away.
Yes, it may be an unnecessary past.
There’s no way to the future.
So step by step
I'm ugly
I'm almost overwhelmed by my weakness
I'm about to break my promise to you
I'm about to be swallowed up by your pain
The tenuity of my existence
What should I do?
Your pain that cannot be erased is
the only reason for my existence
I'm ugly, right?
Please stay alive
Thank you for being alive.
Even if I can't speak a word with you,
I'm happy if you're alive.
You talking to someone.
Your casual daily life.
If I could imagine them...
You laughing with someone.
Your casual daily life.
I'm happy if I can imagine them.
Please stay alive.