12/13のYahoo!ニュースより 日英対訳 同性婚訴訟など

同性婚訴訟 福岡高裁は「違憲」判断

On January 13, the Fukuoka High Court ruled that same-sex marriage is "unconstitutional" in an appeal filed by three same-sex couples from Fukuoka City and Kumamoto City against the government, claiming that the lack of recognition of same-sex marriage is a violation of the Constitution. This is the first judicial decision in various jurisdictions to date to find that the law violates Article 13, which stipulates the "right to the pursuit of happiness".

◎rule: 裁定する
◎file an appeal: 控訴する
◎to date: 今日までの
◎pursuit of: ~の追求


Reader's comment
Article 24 of the Constitution clearly states that "Marriage shall be solely based on the consent of the two sexes". Since it is "both sexes," not "both," it can only be interpreted as a man and a woman. This means that the current Constitution does not recognize same-sex marriage. If this is a violation of Article 13, which stipulates the right to the pursuit of happiness, then the ruling is a self-contradiction of the Constitution, which itself is a violation of the Constitution. For my part, I believe that the correct procedure is to amend the Constitution to firmly recognize same-sex marriages, even though the current situation is constitutional.

◎consent: 同意
◎self-contradition: 自己矛盾
◎even though: ~だが


U.S. social networking giant Meta, which operates Facebook and Instagram, has confirmed to CNN that it made a donation of $1 million to fund President-elect Trump's inauguration by the 12th.

◎make a donation: 寄付をする
◎inauguration: 就任

テック大手各社は4年間のバイデン政権において株価を大きく高めることに成功しています。トランプ政権になってもその成長を持続させるべく、関係強化を図る動きが出てきています。 当初、トランプ氏はメタを敵視しており、さらにはメタと競合するイーロン・マスク氏が寄り添っているという困難な状況でしたが、本当に関係を改善できたのであればザッカーバーグ氏の手腕は見事といえるでしょう。 一方、米国での法規制が迫るTikTokにとっては雲行きが怪しくなってきます。メタにとって棚からぼた餅となるような状況をトランプ氏が許容するのであれば、TikTok規制がいよいよ現実味を帯びてきそうです。

Expert Opinion
Tech giants have succeeded in significantly boosting their stock prices during the four-year Biden administration. They are now looking to strengthen their relationships in order to sustain that growth in the Trump administration. Initially, it was a difficult situation, with Trump hostile to Meta and even more so with Meta competitor Elon Musk being sympathetic with Trump, but if the relationship has truly improved, Zuckerberg has done an excellent job. On the other hand, the clouds are getting darker for TikTok, which is facing legal restrictions in the United States. If Trump allows a situation that is awindfall for Meta, TikTok restrictions will finally become a reality.

◎boost: 高める
◎sustain: 持続させる
◎hostile to: ~に敵対して
◎a windfall: 思いがけない幸運


Strong cold air will move southward into western Japan on Saturday the 14th and Sunday the 15th. Heavy snow is expected from the Sea of Japan side of Hokkaido to the Hokuriku region, especially along mountainous areas, with 72-hour snowfall amounts of around 100 cm forecast in some areas. Some areas in western Japan will also see snowfall and accumulations. Cold air is likely to move in over Christmas, and the winter weather distribution is likely to continue.

◎cold air: 寒気
◎mountainous area: 山岳部
◎(snow) accumulation: 積雪


Reader's comment
I'm a farmer. Every year we have cold weather, and sometimes it's so cold that I feel like my body is freezing, but it's the same for the vegetables, and I'm happy that they're growing well. Now that I'm on the growing side, I have a new appreciation for how hard farming is. I hope everyone will dress warmly and enjoy a healthy and happy New Year.

◎on the ~ side: ~側で
◎have an appreciation for: ~を実感する
◎dress: 着こむ
