
Title - ★【Easy-to-Understand Explanation】A College Applicant Fatally Struck by a Drunk Driver: Causes and Issues


On January 22, 2025, a 19-year-old woman in Koriyama City, Fukushima Prefecture, was fatally struck by a car driven by a drunk driver. The police arrested the 34-year-old driver on suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol. Reports indicate that the driver’s breath contained alcohol levels significantly exceeding legal limits.

• suspicion of driving under the influence: 飲酒運転の疑い
• fatally struck: 致命的な衝突を受けた
• exceeding legal limits: 法定基準を超える


★ Knowing This Will Deepen Your Understanding


In Fukushima Prefecture, serious accidents caused by drunk driving have been on the rise, with 50 cases reported in 2024, a 20% increase from the previous year. Critics point to insufficient traffic safety education and lenient penalties for drunk driving as contributing factors.

• serious accidents: 重大事故
• lenient penalties: 軽い罰則
• insufficient traffic safety education: 不十分な交通安全教育


★ What Are the Issues?
1. 飲酒運転の抑止力が弱い
• 罰則が緩く、飲酒運転を未然に防ぐ力が不足しています。
• The penalties are too lenient, failing to effectively deter drunk driving.
2. 交通安全教育の不足
• 飲酒運転の危険性を教える教育が不十分です。
• There is a lack of education emphasizing the dangers of drunk driving.
3. 危険運転の監視体制
• 危険運転を監視する警察のリソースが不足しています。
• Police resources to monitor reckless driving are insufficient.

• deter drunk driving: 飲酒運転を抑止する
• reckless driving: 危険運転
• monitor police resources: 警察リソースを監視する
