







Zen Master Dogen: Saturday, September 7, 2024

Master Dogen was the founder of the Soto school of Zen Buddhism. He was born in Kyoto in 1200 during the Kamakura period. He lost his mother at the age of 8 and entered the priesthood at Mt. Hiei at 14. He studied Zen under Eisai at Kenninji Temple, and later, he studied the authentic Buddhist teachings in China (Song Dynasty) under Zen Master Nyojyo. After returning to Japan, he wrote the Shobogenzo. At the age of 45, he founded Eiheiji Temple in Echizen (now Fukui Prefecture).

The place where Dogen Zenji passed away at the age of 54 is located near Aburanokoji-dori Takatsuji in Shimogyo Ward, Kyoto City, where I currently live (see the photo above, taken by the author on September 3, 2024).

The principal deity of the Soto school is Shakyamuni Buddha. Shakyamuni Buddha was born about 2,500 years ago as a prince of the Shakya clan in what is now Nepal, and his name was Gautama Siddhartha. His teachings include the impermanence of all things, the selflessness of all phenomena, the tranquility of Nirvana, and the universality of suffering. The basic principle of the Soto school is to worship Shakyamuni Buddha, revere the Three Treasures of Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha, and live diligently based on these teachings. While the Rinzai school of Chinese Zen Buddhism gained the faith of the shogunate and aristocratic classes, the Soto school is said to have been embraced by local warlords and the general populace.

On the other hand, the Esoteric Tendai school has a rigorous practice called the Sennichi Kaihogyo, which is performed within Mt. Hiei. Those who complete this practice are titled "Great Teacher of the North Peak, Fully Accomplished Grand Ajari." In Japan, only a few have ever attained the rank of Grand Ajari. The famous Kyoto confection "Ajari Mochi" is named after the Grand Ajari.

Buddhist monks, regardless of sect, diligently engage in strict mental training every day, which is very demanding. Generally, monks cannot indulge in activities like fishing or skip memorial services without permission, nor can they attend memorial services in expensive foreign luxury cars. Living a diligent life is a difficult task.