Low-Cost Gel Film Can Pluck Drinking Water From Desert Air - Konjac Glucomannan - The University of Texas Austin アメリカ テキサス州 オースティン 20220530
#Konjac #Glucomannan #KonjacGlucomannan #LowCost #GelFilm #DrinkingWaterFromDesertAir #TheUniversityOfTexas #Austin
Low-Cost Gel Film Can Pluck Drinking Water From Desert Air - UT News
The team developed a low-cost gel film made of abundant materials that can pull water from the air in even the driest climates. The materials that facilitate this reaction cost a mere $2 per kilogram, and a single kilogram can produce more than 6 liters of water per day in areas with less than 15% relative humidity and 13 liters in areas with up to 30% relative humidity.
Scalable super hygroscopic polymer films for sustainable moisture harvesting in arid environments | Nature Communications
Extracting ubiquitous atmospheric water is a sustainable strategy to enable decentralized access to safely managed water but remains challenging due to its limited daily water output at low relative humidity (≤30% RH). Here, we report super hygroscopic polymer films (SHPFs) composed of renewable biomasses and hygroscopic salt, exhibiting high water uptake of 0.64–0.96 g g−1 at 15–30% RH. Konjac glucomannan facilitates the highly porous structures with enlarged air-polymer interfaces for active moisture capture and water vapor transport. Thermoresponsive hydroxypropyl cellulose enables phase transition at a low temperature to assist the release of collected water via hydrophobic interactions. With rapid sorption-desorption kinetics, SHPFs operate 14–24 cycles per day in arid environments, equivalent to a water yield of 5.8–13.3 L kg−1. Synthesized via a simple casting method using sustainable raw materials, SHPFs highlight the potential for low-cost and scalable atmospheric water harvesting technology to mitigate the global water crisis.
「コンニャク」で砂漠の空気から大量の水を生み出す新素材が開発される - GIGAZINE
#蒟蒻 #こんにゃく #コンニャク #空気 #水 #新素材 #開発 #アメリカ #テキサス州 #オースティン #20220530 #テキサス #テキサス大学
#fictitiousness #2022