アート×ジェンダーってどゆこと?What do you mean by Art×Gender?
1: プロジェクト3って何をしているの?
二つ目は認定NPO法人国連ウィメン日本協会という、国連唯一の女性・少女のための機関UN Womenを支援することを目的とし、その活動を広報するとともに、支援のための募金活動を行なっている団体です。
2: まりんさんってどんな人?
3: プロジェクト3からのお知らせ!
#WeAreUnstoppable ⭐️
Good evening everyone!
It has been 5 weeks since we started uploading our weekly EQUAL’s Note.
This week we had an EQUAL core member and Project 3 leader, Marin, talk about Project 3!
1:So, what is Project 3 doing currently?
For other EQUAL’s projects, activities are carried out mainly to deepen APU students’ understanding of topics such as Feminism and Gender Equality. For Project 3, however, the main focus is to promote EQUAL. The project’s members include 1st, 2nd, and 4th-year students, and we have a meeting once every two weeks. At the meeting, we often discuss the content and details of the project’s activities.
Tell me more about Project 3’s activities!
The first activity is ‘Art x Gender’.
As the name implies, this activity is a combination of art and gender. An art exhibition of Art x Gender is going to be held online in December. In order to hold the exhibition, we are going to open an application form for people to sign up until the end of October, and the participants will be asked to submit their artworks by the end of November. Our target audiences are APU students, the faculty members, and Beppu citizens who are interested in gender equality, feminism, and art. Applications can be sent both individually or in groups. We are looking for artworks that embrace well EQUAL's objectives, which is ‘To strive toward a society without prejudice or oppression, where everyone can live as their true self’. The type of artwork does not matter, as long as it can be converted into digital forms such as pictures, videos, and music!
We started this project because we wanted to spread awareness about gender equality and encourage people to think about "gender" by making it more accessible and interesting to them. Also, by using art as a form of expression, feminism can be visually perceived. By using the power of art, We want to make people feel more connected to the topic of gender equality.
Art submissions will be presented on the EQUAL’S official Instagram account and an online art exhibition will be held using Zoom. The prize will be decided by the number of votes. There will also be prizes for people with high votes.
This activity was published in the Oita Prefecture Joint Newspaper! Please take a look at it!
Our second activity is selling EQUAL’s goods.
We are making official EQUAL goods. We have even decided on what to sell as goods and how to design them, and we are gradually making mock-ups.
This activity’s main goal is also to let people know more about EQUAL, and I do hope that people will become more interested in our projects through these goods. All profits we made from selling the goods will be shared in half and be donated to two organizations!
The first one is the NPO Gender Equal, an organization that aims to create ‘a society with no gender gap’ by sharing content on their website, conducting educational campaigns aimed at improving the awareness of the child-rearing generation as well as educational projects for children.
The second one is the Certified NPO: UN Women Japan Association, an organization that promotes and raises funds to support the activities of UN Women, the only organization for women and girls in the United Nations
Now I am going to show you a few pictures of the goods 😊 The details of the goods sales will be released on Instagram soon, so please look forward to it!
2:Tell me more about yourself!
I am currently a 4th-year student at the College of Asia Pacific Studies, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University. At APU, I was a member of FLAG (an organization that supports new students during the Orientation period) and APU Buddy (a student organization that supports international students). And because I liked Korea and Korean idols since I was in high school, I also participated in KMUSE, a circle for KPop cover dance.
I joined EQUAL when Yuka, our current representative, asked me to make an Instagram face filter for EQUAL. At first, I only helped with the filter. However, since I also had experienced being forced into a stereotypical framework of being a girl or a Japanese, I sympathized with EQUAL’s mission and decided to join the organization.
I have been interested in video editing since high school and decided to self-study. Now, not only can I make Instagram face filters for EQUAL, but I also teach EQUAL members how to make videos. I am currently making a promotional video for EQUAL official goods. It will be released soon, so please look forward to it!
3:Notice from Project 3!
As I mentioned in the beginning, we are looking for Art x Gender participants until the end of October.
We will post links about application guidelines, so please do consider joining us! We will also post the release date and more information about EQUAL official goods from time to time, so make sure to check that out as well!
If you think the activities of Project 3 are interesting, please leave a Like 💙
That’s it for today. See you next week!
#WeAreUnstoppable ⭐️
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