
2021を振り返ると / 2021 recap
English translation is described below.
2021年が終わり、2022年となりました。2021年の間、Equal APUを応援してくださった皆さん本当にありがとうございました。Equal APUはこの一年さまざまなことに挑戦しました。今回のNoteではEqual APUがおこなったイベントをもとに一年を簡単に振り返りたいと思います。
2月 Gender cafe テーマ『男性にとってのフェミニズム』
12月、コアメンバー、副代表、代表が代わり、新メンバーも加入し新体制で始まったEqual APU。2021年初めてのジェンダーカフェを行いました。まだまだフェミニズムは女性のためのものという考えが多く広まっていますが、フェミニズムは女性のためのものではないと私たちは考えています。私たちは、フェミニズムとは、全ての性が平等であることを求める考えだと定義します。アンコンシャス・バイアスという言葉を知っていますか?アンコンシャス・バイアスとは、性別による無意識の思い込みであり、主に性別役割分担の意識を指します。“男性は我慢強くあるべき、力強くあるべき”、”男性が奢るべき”、”女性は料理をしなければならない”女性は従順であるべき” このような”性別らしさ”の呪縛は多くの人を苦しめています。このようなことを踏まえ、2月のGCでは男性にとってのフェミニズムについてに話し合いました。ディスカッションの中には、”フェミニズム”という言葉に固執する必要はないが、現在の状況では言葉に頼流必要があるという意見もありとても興味深いジェンダーカフェとなりました。
3月 Equal week
3月は国際女性デーを記念し、とても大きなイベントを行いました。ゲストを招いたインスタライブや、ウェビナー、クラブハウスを使ったセッションやオフラインイベントを行いました。Equal week では計100人を超える方々とジェンダー問題について話し、考えるきっかけとなりました。それぞれのイベントごとに少し振り返りたいと思います。
ウェビナー『日本のフェミニズム / ゲスト:石川優実さん』
ウェビナー『フェミニズムとビジネス/ ゲスト:辻愛沙子さん』
フェミニズムとビジネスは密接な関係にあります。ジェンダーギャップ指数からみても、日本は遅れをとっています。政治、経済分野だけでなくジェンダー不平等はさまざまな場面で起こっています。株式会社arca CEO 兼Creative Directoとしてご活躍している辻さんがビジネスへの女性参加率や女性をとりまく環境についてお話ししてくださりました。
インスタライブ『Body positive& Self-love / ゲスト:Marianaさん』
クラブハウス『Share your Interanational women’s day 』
オフラインイベント『Equal APU recap event』
6月 Gender cafe テーマ:性暴力
8月 Gender cafe テーマ:はじめてのLTGBTQ+ /LGBTG All the Basics
第6回目のGender cafeでは、LGBTQ+に触れる最初のきっかけとして基本的な知識について学びました。女の子の友達が恋人ができたと聞いた際に相手は男性だと決めつけてしまったり、本人の許可なくあの人は性的少数者(ゲイやレズだ)などと他人に暴露してしまうというアウティングという行為は度々起こり、アウティングをきっかけに自殺してしまうケースもあります。これらを踏まえビデオを鑑賞し意見を交わしました。
11月 Equal week 2
2回目となるEqual Week では、Kurukuru(別府北高架下にある雑貨や、個展、絵本や古着などさまざまなものがまわる場所)とコラボし、はじめてジェンダーカフェをオンラインで行いました。ジェンダーカフェのテーマは『生理のお勉強/ Leaning about period』『ふぇむテックって何?/What is Femtech?』です。対面で行ったため双方向の意見をより聞けるとても貴重な時間でした。そしてオフラインイベントとしては『ジェンダー×メンタルヘルス』をテーマとしたトークセッションを行いました。ゲストとして、The kaiwa podcast, MeWeの方が来てくださりました。性別役割分担の意識や性別による差別はたびたびメンタルヘルスの原因となります。メンタルの回復方法やメンタルヘルスのメカニズムについて楽しく学べるイベントとまりました。
Happy New Year!
2021 has come to an end, and the year 2022 has started! Thank you to everyone who has supported Equal APU during this past year. In this article, I’ll be looking back at some of the events we had in 2021.
February: "Feminism for Men” Gender Cafe
In February, Equal APU held its first Gender Cafe of the year -- with a new core member, vice president, and representative, as well as new members. There is still a widespread belief that feminism is ‘only for women.’ But we believe otherwise. We define feminism as the idea that all genders should be equal. Are you familiar with the term Unconscious Bias? Unconscious Bias is an unconscious assumption based on gender, and mainly refers to the reinforcement of gender roles.“Men should be strong", "Men should make more sacrifices", "Women should cook", "Women should be obedient". The curse of such gender norms is tormenting many people. In light of this, we discussed feminism for men in the February GC (Gender Cafe). During the discussion, participants concluded that it wasn’t really a necessity to stick to the word "feminism” when referring to ‘gender equality in a conversation. But, there was also another opinion saying that we need to rely on the word in our current situation, making it a very interesting gender café.
March: Equal Week
In March, we held a very big event to celebrate International Women's Day. Equal Week was a chance to talk and think about gender issues with over 100 people in total. Here are some highlights from each of the events.
"Feminism in Japan” Webinar with Ms. Yumi Ishikawa
Ms. Ishikawa told us that in Japan, there is still a lot of bashing toward feminism and that feminists are often subject to slander, misinterpretation of facts, and euphemisms. The anonymity of the internet makes it easy for things like this to happen. Those are cruel acts, which may even lead to murder and suicide. Ms. Ishikawa spoke about the state and future of feminism in Japan based on actual examples.
"Feminism and Business” Webinar with Ms. Misako Tsuji
There is a close relationship between feminism and business. In terms of the Gender Gap Index, Japan is lagging behind. Gender inequality occurs not only in the political and economic fields but also in many other contexts. Ms. Tsuji, CEO and Creative Director of arca Inc., talked about the rate of female participation in business and the work environment that surrounds women.
"Body Positivity & Self-love” Instagram Live with Mariana
Body positivity is a movement that focuses on embracing all bodies -- regardless of size, shape, skin color, or physical characteristics. Mariana spoke to us about this way of thinking, which has been spreading in Japan in recent years. She also talked about how we should love ourselves. There are many different ways of thinking about beauty, and they are not fixed. We do hope that more and more people will realize how important it is to loosen up and take care of one's own body, leading better lives for all of us.
"Thinking about Gender through Anime” Instagram Live with Pon
Pon is a feminist artist who creates Instagram posts within the theme of 'gender in anime.' Anime is loved by many generations and has a huge influence on the current society. For this reason, all of Pon's works are easy to understand and provide opportunities to learn about gender issues. Animations, TV programs, and gender issues are all closely related and very interesting, so I encourage you to check them out.
"Share your International Women’s Day” Clubhouse Event
This event was held on Clubhouse, which was a very popular online platform at the time. We talked about International Women's Day and gender equality in various countries. It was a fun and valuable experience to learn about the different ways of thinking in countries such as the US, Korea and Indonesia.
"Equal APU Recap” Offline Event
This event featured art and exhibitions related to International Women's Day. We also had goods for sale, video and photo booths, and provided an opportunity for many people to come into contact with gender issues.
June Gender Cafe: Sexual Violence
Under the theme of sexual violence, we discussed the fundamentals of what sexual violence is, and also sexual consent. When a person is sexually violated, they are often told that it is their fault because they are dressed like that or because they are responsible for their own actions, and the focus is on the fault of the victim. Is it true that sexual violence and sexual crimes are to be blamed on the victims? I think the answer is no. Gender Cafe participants expressed their opinions on the importance of sex education and a safe space to speak out on these issues.
August Gender Cafe: LGBTQ+ All the Basics
In our sixth Gender cafe, we learned about the basics of LGBTQ+ to get to know the community. It often occurs that when a girl's female friend tells her that she has found a romantic partner, she automatically assumes that they are a man. Another case is when a person comes out to someone, and they reveal it to other people without the person’s permission. In light of this, we watched a simple yet educational video and exchanged opinions.
November Equal week 2
In our second Equal Week, we collaborated with Kurukuru. It’s a place under the elevated railway tracks in Beppu North, where various goods, solo exhibitions, picture books and second-hand clothes are sold. We held our first offline Gender Cafe! The theme was "Learning about periods" and "What is Femtech?” Since it was held face-to-face, it was a very valuable opportunity to listen to each other's opinions directly. As for the online event, we had a talk session with the theme: "Gender x Mental Health.” We had guest speakers from The Kaiwa Podcast and MeWe (Mental Wellness). Traditional gender roles and gender-based discrimination are often the causes of mental health problems. The event was a fun way to learn about mental recovery and the mechanisms of mental health.
It sure has felt long, but what a year it's been for everybody. It has been a year of change for Equal APU. Gender inequality still remains a huge issue, and we have faced many obstacles in our work to fight against it. There have been many times when we felt like we were failing. But of course, we will still continue on with our activities in 2022. So please support us! I sincerely hope that gender issues will improve little by little and that society will move forward.