
What is your passion?

5年ほど前だろうか、時間を持て余してテレビを見ていたら、なんだか華やかな女性が勢いよく「What is your passion!?」と画面越しに問いかけていた。







"You've got to find what you love. Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found yet, keep looking and don't settle."


Almost 5 years ago, a woman talked to me through the TV screen. She said, "What is your passion?!," again and again.
That impressed me so much.

Recently, I met her again through her book titled "How to Find Your Passion".

If you find your own passion, you can keep your life happy. Of course, discovering your own passion is not easy. However, once you find it, you can live your life as who you are. The book says how important it is to find it by taking your time.

The author is Shigeko Bork from Japan, who has lived in USA since her marriage.
After graduating college in Japan, she worked for some foreign affiliated companies. The day before her 30th birthday, she moved to London to study contemporary art. Durling studing abroad, she met an American man and got married with him.
After the marriage, she moved to Washington D.C. A few years later, she opened her own art gallery.

Although I have my passion, I am on the way of developing. Sometimes I tend to give up and lose my motivation.
The book teaches me how to keep me motivated and solve problems.

The book is a benefit to raise kids and make your dreams come true.
