Poke Ball #20
Pokemon came out when I was a kid. I used to play Pokemon with a device called "GAME BOY". Now I can't believe that GAME BOY those days didn't have colored screen. It was only black and white.
In the game, you get monsters by using a Poke Ball. Because Pokemon was very popular among elementary school students, many kinds of Pokemon toys and stationaries were sold in shops. Bringing toys into school was not allowed. So students brought erasers that looked like Poke Balls. They were just small erasers with a little monster doll inside them. At school, everybody had their own Poke Ball eraser, and played with them during break and during lessons. My homeroom teachergot upset about it, and she confiscated all of our Poke Ball erasers.
Dear teacher,
Your decision was strict, but correct.
came out「世の中に出る、外へ出る」 Poke Ball「モンスターボール」
elementary school students「小学生」 stationary「文房具」
break「休み時間」 homeroom teacher「担任の先生」
get upset「怒る、動揺する」 confiscate「〜を没収する」