

*English version is below

みなさんこんにちは!EGSA JAPAN(芸術におけるジェンダー/セクシュアリティ教育を考える会)代表の竹田恵子と申します。EGSAは「Education of Gender and Sexuality for Arts」の略です。つまり、ジェンダー/セクシュアリティ教育をアートの領域で行っていきたいという団体です。
(ちなみに、公式としては「イージーエスエー」と発音していただくことにしていますが、「エグサ」と呼んでいただいても大丈夫です(笑)まあそこらへんは好きに呼んでください。以下EGSA JAPANを「EGSA」と表記します。)




当初は「EGSA JAPAN」という名前もなかったので(笑)「芸術におけるジェンダー/セクシュアリティ教育を考える会」という名前で何回か会合を開き、同じような問題意識を持つ方々と直接お話する機会を得ました。



1. 専門家による調査研究の結果をもとにした、確固としたエビデンスに基づいた教育プログラムを提供します。


2020-2021年度は、主として受験者数の多い5つの美術系大学に対して、質的調査および量的調査の双方により、ジェンダー/セクシュアリティ教育がどの程度行われているのか、またハラスメントの実態はどのようなものか調査を行い、調査結果をEGSA JAPANが提供する教育に取り入れます。




EGSA JAPANでは、各分野の専門家であるメンバーによる講演、講義等の派遣を行っています。メンバーのプロフィールの公開を今後行う予定です。


4. 最近の活動とこれから


・EGSA運営メンバーの後藤美波監督が前衛アーティスト塩見允枝子さんを被写体とした短編ドキュメンタリー作品"Shadow Piece"が完成いたしました。jwcmのメンバーさん(後述します)との出会いをきっかけに始まった共同企画で、同じく運営メンバーの吉良智子さんもご出演されています。
こちらのYahoo! Japan「女性の生き方を考える」ドキュメンタリー特設ページよりご覧いただけます。






*EGSA JAPANの素敵なロゴは運営メンバーでもあるうのさんにお願いいたしました!ありがとうございます!

EGSA Japan, Education on Gender and Sexuality for the Arts
From Keiko Takeda, our founder:

I am the director of EGSA Japan. Thank you for visiting our website.

I would like to begin by explaining why we started to think about the study of gender in arts education in Japan. In June 2019, I was invited to contribute an article to Bijutsu Techo, a Japanese art magazine (https://bijutsutecho.com/magazine/series/s21/19922). In the course of writing the article, I researched the gender percentages of art students at several Japanese art universities, as well as of employees of art museums. The results showed that the Japanese art world is male dominated. It is difficult for female artists and art curators to climb the career ladder.

In a 2018 survey of the World Economic Forum, Japan was ranked 110 out of 149 countries on the gender gap. This demonstrates that gender inequality is a serious issue in Japan’s art community (if you are interested in my discussions with others on this issue, please refer to my notes at https://note.com/keiko_takeda ).

We also believe that there is a lack of gender education in the art departments of Japanese universities. If art students learn more about gender and sexuality, the situation may be different in the near future. So, we decided to create this organization.

We hope to be a platform for discussion and to raise awareness of the need for gender studies in art education. In doing so, we hope to make lasting changes.

Keiko Takeda

Our Mission

EGSA Japan is a diverse network of art and educational professionals working to confront gender inequality in the art community, through raising awareness of the need for the study of gender and sexuality. We offer educational programs on gender and sexuality studies and organize events, such as lectures and symposiums. Our vision is that one day gender studies will become the norm in Japanese art education. We hope to realize a gender-free art community and equal career opportunities in the Japanese art field.

To summarize:
1. We offer an educational program that is founded on evidence-based research and run by art professionals and educators.
2. We aim for intersectional gender education that is not only about gender but also about social and political identities, such as race, nationality, ethnicity, class, and physical appearance.
3. We have an online education program to reach many diverse people and meet the needs of the Covid-19 era.


- Research
In 2020–2021, we are conducting a survey on how gender and sexuality educations are included at the so-called five art universities. Using qualitative and quantitative research, we also aim to determine the status of sexual harassment in the art sector in Japan. Once our research and analysis are concluded, we will include the results in our educational programs.

- Guidelines on sexual harassment for artists and freelance art workers
Many art-related professionals are freelance, including the work of artists. We will create guidelines to protect those whose positions are vulnerable. Guidelines exist in several other countries, so we will refer to them as a starting point.

- Resources for e-learning
We are based in the Tokyo area. People who live in other places can interact with us online.

- Symposiums, workshops, and lectures
We share our knowledge and research through organizing symposiums, workshops, and lectures. We arrange events in collaboration with other organizations.

- Take advantage of our members’ expertise
Our members are available for lectures in gender studies. If you need a lecturer, please see our member profile page for the expertise that we offer.


EGSA JAPAN@芸術におけるジェンダー/セクシュアリティ教育を改めて考える会議