
"75 Years Atomic Bomb, Dr's 50days Talk" DAY1 Dr.SOKO

My Aunt, Nobuko

This year is 2020, 75 years has passed since the first nuclear bomb was used for war.
There are 50 days to count down by 6th August, the memorial day the atomic bomb dropped onto Hiroshima City.

It would be nice to share time with you to talk about atomic bombs, and my aunt who was exposed to radiation. She is now 90 year old.
I am happy to tell you about the medical influence of atomic bombs, from my view as a medical doctor.

Before talking, let me tell you about my standpoint.
I do not intend to criticize any countries.
Rather, I would like to tell, I am sorry that my country started a war.
Not related to religions, politics, creed, and races,
I would like to tell you about objective facts of atomic bombs, for children of the future.

The only one bomb blown off the entire city of 2km radius, on August 6th ,1945 in Hiroshima, and on August 9th, 1945 in Nagasaki.
Do you know “the stairs stained the human shadow “ ?
There was a man sat on one of stone stairs of Hiroshima branch of Sumitomo Bank in the moment of the atomic bomb exploded. His body vanished, instead, his shadow was left there.
75 years passed.
But Nuke’s strong energy still influence on Hibakusha who received radiation.

“Hey, but it’s long time ago. Now we live in peace, right?”

Yeah, you may think so, because actually many years passed.

Hibakusha's heart

The sole one atomic bomb dropped onto Hiroshima, and Nagasaki.
The death toll rose to 140,000 in Hiroshima, and rose to 74,000 by the end of 1945.
It was a tremendous damage for one bomb.
Not only that, my aunt, 90 year old, still wakes up in the midnight with a nightmare.
She was 15 year old when she went around the burnt Hiroshima to find her grandmother.
She had no injuries, maybe fortunately. Because of that, she was able to concentrate to see surroundings, and to memorize almost everything she saw.
Even 75 years passed, she thinks,
“Why couldn’t I help that man?”
“Why didn’t I give water more?”

Her memories suffer herself with her regrets, like she felt so 75 years ago.

Nuclear weapons hurt people badly beyond time.

“But the influence of atomic bomb spread good enough to the world with Hibakusha’s voices, right?”
You may think so.

But how about the fact?
Nuke has gone?
Hibakusha has decreased?

No, rather, Nuke has been developed.
With the new technology, Nuke are developing to be small-sized.
This change will increase casualties of Nuke.

I now feel.
“I have done nothing to disappear Nuke.
I did not show my voice to decrease Hibakusha of radiation weapon.
Why do I work as a medical doctor?
It may be because I could share medical views of the atomic bomb.
I would like to share with people about Hiroshima’s facts.

So anyway, it will be great if you will be with me for 50 days.
