


プーチンはこうして権力の座についた(2005年 フランス)


プーチンの道(2015年 アメリカ)





プーチンの道 ~その権力の秘密に迫る~




原題   Putin’s Way
制作   WGBH(アメリカ、2015年)
初回放送 2016年12月6日(火)午後11時00分~
再放送  2016年12月21日(水)午後5時00分~



Putin's Way

JANUARY 13, 2015 | RATING: NR | LENGTH: 00:53:41









At first, he thought he could build sort of a democratic model that he could control. A model like this does not exist, so he started to slide towards at first mild totalitarianism, and then an increasingly harsh totalitarianism. If the situation develops further, he will reach a full totalitarian model. In reality, every authoritarian system is a kleptocracy.

Putin’s Way - Transcript



また、お時間があれば、今世紀初頭(9.11 アメリカ同時多発テロ事件が発生した翌年)にNHKが制作したドキュメンタリー番組『ドキュメント ロシア(前編後編)』も併せてご覧ください。







原題   How Putin Came to PowerLa prise du pouvoir par Vladimir Poutine
制作   Quark Productions(フランス 2005年)
初回放送 2008年2月25日(月)午後9時10分~
再放送  2008年3月  3日(月)午前10時10分~




ドキュメント ロシア 前編 プーチン 権力への階段

2002年7月6日(土) 午後9時00分~



ドキュメント ロシア 後編 プーチン 苦渋の決断

2002年7月7日(日) 午後9時00分~



写真で振り返る . . . 欧米と協調(するふりを)していた頃のプーチン大統領

Vladimir Putin was appointed prime minister in August 1999 before taking over from Boris Yeltsin as president on 31 December.
The Queen invited Mr Putin for a state visit in 2003 - the first by a Russian leader since 1874.
Angela Merkel, Tony Blair, Jacques Chirac, Vladimir Putin and George W Bush stand for a photo at the 2006 G8 summit in St Petersburg.

At the start of the 21st century we live in a new, closely interrelated world, in which unprecedented new threats and challenges demand increasingly united responses. Consequently, we, the member states of the North Atlantic
Treaty Organization and the Russian Federation are today opening a new page in our relations, aimed at enhancing our ability to work together in areas of common interest and to stand together against common threats and
risks to our security.”

Rome Summit Declaration, 28 May 2002

NATO-Russia Council - Rome Summit 2002

Introduction by NATO Secretary General

A new chapter in NATO-Russia relations was opened on 28 May 2002, when the heads of state and government of NATO member countries and of Russia gathered at Pratica di Mare Air Force Base, near Rome. A declaration on "NATO-Russia Relations: A New Quality" was signed, establishing a new NATO-Russia Council, which brings together the 19 Allies and Russia to identify and pursue opportunities for joint action "at 20".

The new Council provides a mechanism for consultation, consensus-building, cooperation, joint decision, and joint action. NATO's member states and Russia will work as equal partners on the basis of consensus on a wide range of Euro-Atlantic security issues. Continuous political dialogue will allow emerging problems to be identified early, common approaches to be determined or joint actions to be conducted, as required.

The Rome Declaration builds on the 1997 "Founding Act on Mutual Relations, Cooperation and Security", which remains the basic text governing relations between NATO and Russia. The ambitions expressed in the Founding Act were, however, never fully realised. In spite of the joint commitment to peacekeeping in the Balkans and the development of a substantial programme of practical security and defence-related cooperation, underlying inhibitions remained on both sides. The earlier Permanent Joint Council essentially remained a consultative forum with NATO member countries coordinating all positions before meeting the Russians in the "19+1" format.

What was lacking from the earlier NATO-Russia dialogue was a true sense of shared purpose and urgency. The events of 11 September provided that impetus – a stark reminder of the need for comprehensive and coordinated action to respond to common threats.

While the struggle against terrorism is now at the heart of our cooperation, we have a much wider shared agenda. Many of today’s security challenges can only be met cooperatively. We are determined to go beyond consultation and to work constructively together on all issues where we have what Russian President Vladimir Putin calls "the logic of common interest".

The real difference between "19+1" and "20" is not a question of mathematics, but one of chemistry: the success of the NATO-Russia Council will depend on the political will of the participants. This has been evident at all levels in meetings held since the summit to transform the political message of Rome into practical cooperation and to grapple with the rules and procedures of the new structure, so that the prospects for a genuinely new quality in NATO-Russia relations appear bright.

This publication was prepared to mark the significance of the Rome Summit. It is a compilation of the speeches delivered and the text of the Rome Declaration itself. I hope you will find it interesting and memorable reading.

Lord Robertson of Port Ellen

NATO-Russia Council - Rome Summit 2002
President Bush and President Putin talk during a group photo session of European leaders in Rome May 28, 2002.
With former President George H.W. Bush and President George W. Bush looking on, Russia's President Vladimir Putin holds up his catch Monday, July 2, 2007, with the help of fishing guide Billy Bush, during a morning outing at Walker's Point in Kennebunkport, Me.
White House photo by Eric Draper
President Putin's annexation of Ukraine's Crimean peninsula in 2014 brought him a spike in the opinion polls.
President Putin played a prominent role in Russia's hosting of the 2018 World Cup.
President Putin at the 2018 World Cup Russia Football Park on Red Square.
A flag with illustrations of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and Russian President Vladimir Putin is seen Saturday at JR Senzaki Station in Nagato, Yamaguchi Prefecture, ahead of the bilateral talks scheduled in the city.
Police officers stand guard before Russia's President Vladimir Putin leaves a hot spring resort, the venue of the summit meeting between Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and Putin, Dec. 15, 2016, during snow falling in Nagato, Yamaguchi Prefecture, Japan.
Russian President Mr. Vladimir Putin visited the Kodokan with Prime Minister Mr. Shinzo Abe and a former Prime Minister Mr. Yoshiro Mori on Friday, December 16, 2016.
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and other world leaders attend a family photo session
at G20 summit in Osaka.
U.S. President Donald Trump reaches out to shake hands with Russian President Vladimir Putin during a bilateral meeting on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Osaka, Japan.

Brendan Smialowski / AFP via Getty Images
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, French President Emmanuel Macron, Russian President Vladimir Putin and German Chancellor Angela Merkel during a summit on the conflict in Ukraine at the Élysée Palace on December 9, 2019.

Ian Langsdon / Pool via REUTERS
