日本経済新聞は2024年06月03日に、OIV(Organisation Internationale de la Vigne et du Vin/International Organisation of Vine and Wine/国際ブドウ・ワイン機構)は、2023年のワイン生産量は前年比9.6%減の約237億リットルとなったと報告した。これは、1961年以来で最少だった。気候変動に伴う干ばつや高温がブドウの発育に悪影響を及ぼしたと報告している。
JIRCAS(Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences/国際農林水産研究センター)は2024年04月05日に、気候変動はブドウの収量、ブドウの組成、ワインの品質に影響を与えている。
2024年03月26日に、フランスのボルドー大学のコルネリス・ファン・レーウェン教授(Professor Cornelis van Leeuwen from the University of Bordeaux in France)は同僚らとともに、「Climate change impacts and adaptations of wine production(気候変動のワイン生産への影響と適応)」と題する総説論文をNature Reviews誌に発表した。
OIVは2024年05月24日に、ブドウの伝染病の蔓延に対処するための国際協調アプローチに向けてと言う国際シンポジウムが、2024年05月17日に米国テキサス州オースティン(Texas, Austin)で開催され、このイベントは、TDA(テキサス州農業局)とOIV(国際ブドウ・ワイン機構)が共同主催した。
The urgent need to combat grapevine epidemic diseases
The event was inaugurated by Sid Miller, Commissioner of the Texas Department of Agriculture, who welcomed participants and emphasised the collaboration between TDA and OIV. The OIV Director General, John Barker, underscored the importance of such a scientific symposium in a video message, considering the growing concerns of vitivinicultural countries about the spread of grapevine epidemic diseases, such as Pierce’s disease in North America and Mexico, and Flavescence dorée in Europe.
It was a significant occasion for both Commissioner Sid Miller and OIV Director General John Barker to acknowledge Thomas Volney Munson’s remarkable contribution to Texas and global viticulture. This legacy was recognised by presenting Heather McKinney, a descendant of T.V. Munson, with an artistic illustration of the Carmenère variety painted by a French artist.
Global strategies and scientific insights
The symposium was divided into four scientific and technical sessions:
Session One
Amit Dhingra, Professor and Department Head of Horticultural Sciences at Texas A&M University, USA, explained how climate change is affecting viticulture worldwide, necessitating adaptation to new adverse cultivation conditions.
Rodrigo Almeida, Professor at UC Berkeley, USA, highlighted the impact of climate change on the complex epidemiology of Pierce’s disease, suggesting greater attention to the disease’s vectors.
Elisa Angelini, a researcher at CREA VE in Italy, introduced the issue of Flavescence dorée, which has significantly spread in Europe following the recent revocation of certain insecticides effective in controlling the vector.
Session Two
Enrico Battiston, OIV Viticulture Head of Unit, Valerie Grimault, EPPO officer, and Sarah Brearey, NAPPO representative, presented existing standards. They highlighted the crucial role of international organisations in viticulture and plant protection, providing harmonised guidelines for controlling grapevine diseases and their vectors.
Session Three
Institutions working on policies in the main vitivinicultural countries presented their regulatory systems regarding the monitoring and control of diseases.
Allen Proxmire, USDA APHIS (Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture) officer, emphasised the importance of controls across the US.
Gabrielle Vivian-Smith, Australian DAFF (Department of Agriculture and Water Resources) officer, presented the national biosecurity program.
Mylona Panayota, European Commission DG SANTE officer, highlighted the impact of the new EU Plant Health Law.
Session Four
This session presented successful experiences applied globally to combat the spread of harmful diseases.
Luis Diaz-Garcia, a UC Davis researcher, introduced a breeding program to develop new grapevine varieties resistant to Pierce’s disease.
Jacques Grosman, French Ministry of Agriculture officer, presented a national strategy to monitor and prevent the spread of Flavescence dorée.
Fiona Constable, Plant Virologist at the Australian Victorian Department of Environment and Primary Industries, provided an overview of the phytosanitary measures applied in Australia, including screening imported plant material and hot water treatment. These procedures are fundamental in avoiding the biological and economic risks associated with the spread of grapevine epidemic diseases.
A final panel involving professionals and scientists from the Texan wine industry and research centres discussed the Texan approach to managing Pierce’s disease and promoting research activities for increased protection.
What should be done
A final round table, moderated by Peter Hayes, OIV Honorary President, led the speakers to debate the development of a coordinated international approach to manage epidemic diseases in grapevines. In conclusion, the following actions were suggested:
Reinforcement of grape breeding programs, including new biotechnological tools (NBTs) to optimise and speed up the creation of new varieties resistant to epidemic diseases.
A deep study of vineyard soil quality and life to set appropriate mitigation strategies against the stresses associated with the impact of climate change.
Paying major attention to insect vectors, as well as to their interactions with the pathogen and the plant.
Sharing knowledge with professionals and operators in the vitivinicultural sector through specific training programs, which should be encouraged.
Improvement of an international research network, constantly connected and revised to avoid redundancy in studies and the dispersion of funding.
Mitigation strategies must include an accurate analysis of the social impact of epidemic diseases and their control.
Development of a harmonised international approach, ensuring transversal discussions among scientists, national institutions, and professional associations, coordinated by the OIV and the IPPC’s regional organisations*.
The symposium was closed with remarks from Lindsay Baerweld, TDA Marketing Specialist, who commended the productive and stimulating day and expressed hope for a future edition to follow up on the first, aiming for international collective action in addressing the challenge of grapevine epidemic diseases.
A letter of intent between the OIV and the European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization (EPPO) was signed in January 2024. This collaboration aims to strengthen the exchange of valuable information, expertise, and support in crucial areas such as plant protection products, phytosanitary regulations, and grapevine health. By joining forces, the organisations wish to reinforce their actions towards the preservation of grapevine health, as well as the protection of viticultural surfaces from harmful organisms. The OIV and EPPO are committed to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, combatting climate change, and promoting sustainable development in the viticulture sector.
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