
卑屈になる 21 Oct 2021







It was the last day today for the English course I participated. 8 weeks duration, 2 hour class for twice a week. I didn't skip any classes. I feel good about myself for full attendance I made, though I just couldn't find reasonable excuse to be absent.

For the last session, the teacher had given us a kind of homework which was to prepare 1 to 5 minutes presentation, to each of us. Topic could be anything.
I'm not a kind of person having a special intention for lifestyle, nor even unique interests. No special skill and moreover, I just lost my job. How such a person can give a presentation when the topic is free to chose...Give me something!! I shouted in my heart...
Finally, the topic I choose was about the meaning of my name with each Kanji character. There were some classmates with Kanji names, one Korean, one Hongkongese, one Taiwanese and another Japanese.
I think it went well. No matter if they have Kanji name or not, everyone seemed interested, so it was good.

But then, others' presentations came after. All of them has high-spec of business skills, work experiences, and even environmental conscious lifestyles. I felt so miserable comparing all to what I have now, and relieved that it was the last day of the course. If this was the very beginning of the course, I would be timid to speak out in front of those people.

I'll take part in Business English course from next week. I'm sure there will be those kind of people, but I will try hard to speak up and improve my speaking skill. 


Koie Kutsumi | 海外子育て後の空の巣症候群対策実施中
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