
まちのオススメを聞かれたら(夜編) 【伏見町の人:伏見町子】 like a local in Fukuyama

福山駅を降りたらすぐ目の前にある伏見町エリア。ここに、2018年12月に私たちのゲストハウス「AREA INN FUSHIMICHO FUKUYAMA CASTLE SIDE」がオープンした。レセプションを出た路地の先には、70年老舗から続く店やニューオープンの店まで、個性溢れる店が広がっている。昼は老舗のお茶屋さんや和菓子屋さん、喫茶店めぐり。夜は酒場を回遊するのが楽しい。


1.  伏見町の入り口で一杯

まずは、伏見町の入り口にある立呑みスタンド「串揚げ さっくる」で熱々の串とビール。新幹線待ちのサラリーマンから駅待合酒場として愛されている店で、立ち食いだからさくっと寄れる。小腹を満たしたら、次の店へ。

串揚げ さっくる:伏見町1-1
11:30-24:00 日曜定休

2.  伏見町を愛する店主と語る


17:00-23:00 日曜定休

3.  個性溢れるローカルと出会う



4.  店主と瀬戸内の食の話に花が咲く

瀬戸内の魚を食べるなら、「味心 海福」へ。割烹料理から捻りのある品まで多彩。私がカウンターに座った時は、常連さんが「エビパンは食べた方がいいよ」と意外なオススメを教えてくれた。店主が語る瀬戸内の食の話を聞きながら、もう一杯。

味心 海福:伏見町1-9

5.  酒を進める旨い鶏料理

胃袋を満たす旨い鶏料理がローカル推しの「居酒屋 とう爺」。カウンターには店主自らがセレクトした全国各地の梅酒がずらっと並び、飲み比べもできる。伏見町でマイベストな梅酒を見つけてみては?

居酒屋 とう爺:伏見町2-13

6.  地元の和牛専門店が開いた新店

「AREA INN FUSHIMICHO FUKUYAMA CASTLE SIDE」の客室が入るビルの1〜2階をリノベーションしてオープンした肉バル「IKEGUCHI -Meat Public House-」。精肉店直営ならではの黒毛和牛と自家製ミートデリカに人が集う。

IKEGUCHI -Meat Public House-:伏見町1-16
11:00-16:00, 18:00-24:00 日休

7.  サムライがつくるボリュームたっぷりのサンドイッチ


19:00-26:00 日曜定休

8.  部屋に戻る前に、旅の一日の出来事を聞いてもらう

そして、最後は私たちのゲストハウス「AREA INN FUSHIMICHO CASTLE SIDE」のレセプションに隣接するラウンジで〆の一杯。オススメは、「福山わいん工房」の樽生ワイン。フランスのシャンパーニュ地方での醸造と同じく、すべての工程を手作業で行ってつくるワインは、福山の豊かな風土が凝縮された味。福山の豊かな食材を使ったおつまみメニューとともに楽しんで。


11:00-21:00 水曜定休



AREA INN FUSHIMICHOは、まち全体をひとつの「宿」と見立てた「まちやど」です。泊まる、食べる、くつろぐ、学ぶ、遊ぶ、さまざまな要素がまちのなかに散りばめられています。チェックインを済ませたら、伏見町、そして福山のまちから瀬戸内への旅へ。

Asking for travel ideas (Evening Edition) [Fushimicho local: Fushimi-machiko]

Fushimi-cho, the old town area you see before you once you exit Fukuyama Station. It is here that we opened the hostel AREA INN FUSHIMICHO CASTLE SIDE in December 2018. The hostel’s reception area opens out into an alley which opens up into the heart of the area that’s filled with 70-year-old long running shops and brand-new unique shops. You can pass the afternoon dropping by tea shops, Japanese sweet shops, and traditional cafes but when night falls, you can make the full circuit of the local pubs.

For some it might seem daunting to go in alone, but throw that thought away. This list only features spots with a bar counter, making them easy places to enjoy even when by yourself. All you need to do is have a peek in and see if a seat is open. The people here are certain to give visitors a big warm welcome which will put you in the mood to go check out another spot, and another...and eventually spend a full night out.

1. Start the night at the entrance of Fushimi-cho

Start things off at a standing bar right at the entrance of Fushimi-cho for deep fried skewers and a beer. It’s a spot loved by business people waiting for their bullet train back home because it’s by the station and they can stop by to grab a quick bite. But that’s just the appetizer, it’s time to move on to the next stop.

Kushiage Sakkuru:1-1 Fushimi-cho
11:30-24:00, Closed Sunday

2. Chat with a beloved bar owner of Fushimi-cho

This is the closest pub from our hostel. Chatting with Fushimi-cho’s beloved shop owner is a great accompaniment to the friendly atmosphere and tasty homestyle cooking you’ll find here. The owner is a real sherry lover so his sherry selection is something else to look forward to.

Ekimae to Odaidoko:3-27 Fushimi-cho
17:00-23:00, Closed Monday

3. Meet plenty of unique & fun locals

A once long running bar has shifted into a community space with tons of personality. Unique local people take turns running ‘THE SNACK’ and hold their own events relevant to their jobs or interests such as craft beer nights by a brew master and music nights by a radio DJ. Event times are subject to change so before stopping by, please check their Facebook page for the latest hours of operation.

THE SNACK:4- 16 Fushimi-cho
Open Irregularly

4. Get the scoop on the Setouchi area’s food

Make your way to ‘Ajishin Kaifuku’ next to try the Setouchi area fish. The menu is a full line up of both traditional cuisine and dishes with a modern twist. When I found myself here for the first time, a regular customer told me to try the shrimp toast. It’s sliced bread toasted and sandwiched with a paste of shrimp and other seafood. Enjoy listening to the chef fill you in on Setouchi dishes and have another drink.

Ajishin Kaifuku:1-9 Fushimi-cho
17:00-23:00 (open till 22:00 on public holiday), Closed Sunday

5. Flavorful chicken dishes here go great with the alcohol

The filling, tasty chicken dishes here are a local favorite. The owner has also put together an incredible assortment of plum wine from places throughout Japan. Why not sample a few and find your new favorite?

Toujii:2-13 Fushimi-cho
17:30-23:00 (open till 23:30 on Fridays and Saturdays), No scheduled holidays

6. A new shop from a local wagyu beef specialty store

Below some of the guest rooms of our hostel is the recently renovated gastropub ‘IKEGUCHI –Meat Public House’. This gastropub is run by a butcher shop which is what draws everyone in to eat the Japanese Black wagyu and deli-style foods made in the shop.

IKEGUCHI -Meat Public House-:1-16 Fushimi-cho
18:00-24:00, Closed Sunday

7. Hearty sandwiches made by a samurai

At this midnight sandwich shop ‘Samurai Delicatessen’, you won’t find the titular John Belushi character wielding a katana here but rather a kind warrior carving up these sandwiches. Even after a long night out eating and drinking, you’ll still want to pop in for some of this samurai’s comfort food. Talks at this comfy spot range from history, music, and even the local underground scene. By the way, Fushimi-machiko love the BLT here.

Samurai Delicatessen:2-5 Fushimi-cho
19:00-26:00, Closed Sunday

8. Before heading back to your room, share with us your adventures

Cap off the night with one last drink at our lounge in the AREA INN FUSHIMICHO CASTLE SIDE reception area and tell the staff all about your exciting day. Consider having a glass of draft wine from the local craft wine maker. Their completely handcrafted wines are made according to the production process used in the Champagne region of France with a flavor that represents Fukuyama’s own rich natural characteristics. Pair a glass with one of our snacks made from local ingredients.

After you’ve recounted your day, head back to your home base in the town. You can reserve a whole dormitory room to share with your close friends, or stay in one of our spacious private rooms with loved ones. Your stay is customized to your travel style.

11:00-21:00 Closed Wednesday

Wandering about the town, having a good time sampling this and that is an enjoyment not just for the locals. For visitors to Fukuyama, you’ll find you won’t have enough time or a stomach big enough for just a day trip. Each time you return you’ll certainly find something new that awaits you here. Next time we’ll continue with what makes for a deep and pleasant trip.

Translation: Peter Card
