
Thinking About Work:Why Should I Hire You?

 Thinking About Work: Why Should I Hire You? /なぜあなたを雇うべきなのでしょうか?
All of us, at some time face the prospect of changing jobs and having to go through a job interview. This article explores the idea that what a candidate has that is most valuable to an employer is the ability to work in an effective and consistent manner.
There are many questions that are asked regularly at
job interviews, like, "Why do you want to work for us?" or "Why are you leaving your present job?"
I think the most important one is simply "Why should I hire you?" Think about it. What answer would YOU give? I know what I would say: "You should hire me because I know how to work."
Everyone knows how to work, don't they? No, they don't. Most people know how to show up on time and do the tasks assigned, but that is not the same thing as knowing how to work. And sadly, some people have got a sense of what real work is about, but will do their best not to do it, or to do as little work as possible so as not to lose their jobs.
Again, I think we all know someone who people say is a hard worker. He or she stands out from the others in their group or office. Why? What is the difference between a hard worker and an average employee?
I would say that there are three characteristics that make someone a "worker", and they are efficiency, focus and consistency.
人を「労働者」たらしめる特徴は、効率性、集中力、一貫性の 3 つだと私は思います。
Efficiency means that the person does their assigned tasks without any wasted motion. What they do, they do correctly and in a logical manner in a sense they have "become one" with the task they must do. There is not wasted motion and no wasted time. If we watch a true worker we would see someone who seems to flow with his or her work. Their work is almost unconscious, for they are focused on their task.
Focus is the second element of work done well.
Focus means being present. Focus means that the task at hand is the most important thing in their life right now. They are not thinking about past or future or spending time chatting or giving their attention to someone or something else when the most important thing that they should be doing is their job.
集中は、仕事をうまくこなすための 2 番目の要素です。
You would not want your doctor, pilot, or driver daydreaming when they were performing tasks where life was at stake. In truth you would not even want the person making your latte at the coffee shop to be daydreaming as they worked. Focus can mean the work gets done in a timely manner, but I think it can also add to the "quality" of the work. The focused person's latte is just going to taste better, because, they have put themselves wholeheartedly into the task of making the coffee. The coffee is their life, at least as long as they choose to stay in that job.
Consistent: And finally, the person who knows how to work is consistent: they do quality work and they keep high standards. There is no "Monday morning" work for them; they are "on" every time they show up.
And they show up regularly. The work they do on Monday is to a high standard, and they keep that same standard every day. Friday evening's work is the same as the rest of the week.
一貫性: そして最後に、仕事の仕方を知っている人は一貫性があります。彼らは質の高い仕事をし、高い基準を維持します。彼らには「月曜の朝」の仕事はありません。彼らは出勤するたびに「オン」の状態です。
So if a person can say "I know how to work" then we can expect that they will work in an efficient, focused, and consistent way. If a person can say that with conviction, it is an excellent reason to choose them over someone else who also has applied for the job.
And if you are a worker, and you want to be noticed, promoted or hired, then maybe "knowing how to work" by being efficient, focused and consistent is your way forward to greater things in your personal and professional life.
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