Public Relations Magazine DATE English Digest - February 2025 だて市政だより2月号(英訳版)
There is Still Time!
Get Your HPV Vaccine Today
P8 まだ間に合う! 早めのHPVワクチン接種を
Contact Health Promotion Division, Health Management Section ☎ 024-575-1116
We are extending the offering period for the free cervical cancer vaccination.
Eligibility Women born between 1997/4/2 and 2009/4/1 who have not received 3 vaccinations.
Availability Until 2025/3/31 (Mon.)
Those who receive the first vaccination within the above period may receive their remaining vaccinations for free until 2026/3/31. Please visit the Date City website for more details.
Registration Please reserve a time with a participating medical facility.
What to Bring Please bring your health survey and Maternity Health Handbook.
Those who do not have the health survey please contact the Health Promotion Division.
COVID Vaccinations Available
P8 新型コロナワクチンの定期接種を実施しています
Contact Health Promotion Division, Health Management Section ☎ 024-575-1116
In order to lessen the severity of COVID, those who meet any of the following requirements are eligible to receive the vaccination at a discounted rate.
Amount of Vaccinations 1 (those who have received a vaccination In FY2024 are not included)
Availability Until 2025/3/31 (Mon.)
Location Designated medical facilities within Fukushima Prefecture
Reservation Please contact and make a reservation with a medical facility directly
*The required health questionnaire is available at the designated medical facilities.
Other Information Those who do not meet the eligibility for the free or reduced price will have to pay full price for a vaccination. Please contact a medical facility directly for more details on the vaccination.
Promoting the Charms of Winter in Date City
Date City the Top Seller of Anpogaki in Miyagi Prefecture
P17 伊達市の冬の魅力を発信 宮城県であんぽ柿トップセールス
An event was held in Sendai, where winter delicacies such as anpogaki and strawberries were showcased. Mayor Suda greeted the participants, saying, “I hope you will enjoy Date City-grown products and learn more about Date City. In addition to PR by Ms. Miho Takahashi, a member of the Miss Peach campaign crew, the event attracted many customers by giving out peach juice to purchasers and demonstrating the deliciousness of anpogaki through samples.
Be Prepared with J-Alert Training
P19 万が一に備えましょう Jアラート訓練で確認を
Date & Time February 12th (Wed.) at 11:00 AM
Details From the Disaster Prevention Administration: “This is a J-alert test” (repeated 3 times). “This is from Date City Disaster Prevention.”
Other Information will also be distributed via the official city phone application, email registration system, and official city SNS accounts.
Registration for the email service can be done by scanning the QR codes below
Contact Disaster Prevention and Crisis Management Division, Crisis Management Section ☎024-575-1197
Elementary and Middle School Enrollment Notices Have Been Sent
Please Confirm You Have Received it
P19 入学通知書を送付 ご確認ください
Eligibility Students living in Date City who plan on enrolling in elementary or middle school next school year.
Details Enrollment notices were sent out (hand-delivered to those in middle school) to those applicable in late January.
If you did not receive a notice in January, please contact us.
Contact School Education Division, General Affairs and Management Section ☎ 024-573-5824
Paid Advertisement Slots Available for the Date City Child Rearing Guidebook
P19 伊達市子育てガイドブック 報告を掲載してみませんか
As a public-private partnership project, we are seeking paid advertisements to be placed in a guidebook to be published jointly with Scinex.
Eligibility Businesses (regardless of location)
Application Period February 3rd (Mon.) ~ March 31st (Mon.)
Distribution Parents raising children, expectant and nursing mothers, households moving into the city, public facilities, medical institutions, etc. (e-book version available on the city website and dedicated application)
Number of Printed Copies 5,800 copies
Publish Date 2025/5
Advertisement Period Roughly 2 years
Please contact Scinex for further details:
☎ 024-923-0198 Fax 024-923-0772
Contact Child Future Division, Events Management Section ☎ 024-573-5691
Protecting Children from Online Dangers
P21 ネットトラブルから子供を守るために
Lectures will be held to learn about risks and preventive measures regarding children's use of the Internet.
Eligibility Guardians of 5th grade through middle school aged children
Details Part 1: Lecture, Part 2: Group discussion
Date & Time March 9th (Sun.) 10:00 AM ~ 12:00 PM
Location Hobara Elementary School Auditorium
Price Free
Participant Limit 30 people
Application Please apply using the QR code below by February 19th (Wed.)
Contact Lifelong Learning Division, Lifelong Learning Section ☎ 024-573-5709
A Class on Useful, Everyday Japanese for Non-native Speakers
P21 国際交流員による日本語講座を開催
Date & Time February 13th (Thu.) 6:15 ~ 7:30 PM (taught in English)
Price Free
Location City Hall, meeting room 406
Eligibility The first 10 non-native Japanese speakers to apply
Application Please apply by February 10th (Mon.), through the following QR code.
Contact Collaborative Community Development Department's Collaboration Promotion Section ☎ 024-575-1177
Events and Exhibitions at the Hobara History and Culture Museum
P21 資料館で企画展とイベントを開催
Collection Exhibition Hometown Mountain Ryozen
Date & Time February 15th (Sat.) ~ May 6th (Tue., holiday) 9:00 AM ~ 5:00 PM
Details There will be talks given by the curator on February 22nd (Sat.) (30 minutes)
10:30 AM ~ 2:30 PM
Location Hobara History and Culture Museum
Price Standard museum entry free
Application Not required
Kameoka Family Hinamatsuri
Date February 1st (Sat.) ~ March 3rd (Mon,)
Location Former Kameoka Family Residence
Price Free
Application Not required
Other Information Hinamatsuri origami decoration workshop
Availability 9:30 AM ~ 11:00 AM, 1:30 PM ~ 3:00 PM
Contact Hobara History and Culture Museum ☎ 024-575-1615
February Facility Guide
P22 2月の施設案内
Date City Hometown Hall
The Hometown Hall will be closed for renovations from December 1st (Sun.), to March 31st (tentative).
To be renovated: Repair/replacement of stage suspension equipment (e.g., stage curtain, light winders, wire ropes, etc.)
*Rooms other than the Hall are available for use
Hometown Hall Hours 9:00 AM ~ 10:00 PM (reception desk open until 5:00 PM). Closed Mondays (if Monday is a holiday, the facility will be closed the following day)
Contact ☎ 024-583-3244
Date City Hobara History and Culture Museum
Exhibitions (admission charged)
Collection Exhibition Hometown Mountain Ryozen
Exhibition talk event “Kameoka Family Hinamatsuri”
Open on February 11th (Tue., holiday)
Closed on February 12th (Wed.)
Facility Hours 9:00 AM ~ 5:00 PM (closed on Tuesdays)
Price 210 yen (100 yen for elementary, middle, high school students)
Contact ☎ 024-575-1615
Ote Village “Kitemi~na”
Turn your goals into reality
2/8 (Sat.) 10:00 AM ~ 3:00 PM
Try all sorts of things related to bicycling
(For example: transportation-disassembly and storage, creating a route using a website, light maintenance, 4 types of roller trainers)
*Participation is free
Kitemi~na Hours 9:00 AM ~5:00 PM (for those not staying the night).
Closed on Tuesdays
Contact ☎ 024-573-0753
Medical Clinics Open on Weekends and Holidays for January
P25 2月の休日当番医
(Evaluations Available from 9:00 AM ~ 5:00 PM)
Please call ahead to confirm the location is open and accepting patients as some changes can occur.
Fukushima Prefecture Emergency Hotline #7119
Hotline Hours: 24/7
☎ 524-3020 (speed dial #7119)
Fukushima Prefecture Child Related Emergency Hotline #8000
Hotline Hours: Every day from 7PM-8AM
☎ 521-3790 (speed dial #8000)
Water Repair Open on Weekends and Holidays for February
P26 2月の水道修理当番表
Updates from the Date City Public Library
P26 図書館通信
Book of the month
“Five Little Rabbits and the Snowy Forest”
Author: Rikako Matsuo
Publisher: Iwasaki Books
A story about five little rabbits that take a trip in a food truck. Treats are served to guests skating near the frozen lake. Enjoy this story about five little rabbits that is sure to warm both your heart and body.
January Events (No registration required)
1st (Sat.) Story Time
14th (Fri.)Mini Story Time
Date City Public Library
Facility hours 9:00 AM ~ 7:00 PM (open until 5:00 PM on Sundays and holidays), Closed Mondays
☎ 024-551-2132
This Month’s Payment Deadlines
P26 今月の納期
The payment deadline is Friday, February 28th
・Property tax (4th payment)
・National Health Insurance (8th payment)
・Nursing Care Insurance (8th payment)
・Late-stage Elderly Health Insurance (7th payment)
Coordinator for International Relations’ Monthly Column by Cameron Schiesler
P27 連載コラム 国際交流員の活動日誌
Similarities between Japanese and English
As I continue to learn Japanese and even expand my English vocabulary, I continue to find some unlikely similarities between the two. Whether it is on purpose or purely by chance, there are a number of words with the same meaning that also sound very similar in both languages. Some of these words include 設定 (settei) and setting, as well as すくう (sukuu) and scoop. As far as I can tell these words ended up sounding similar entirely by coincidence! However as many of you may know, Japanese also borrows a lot of words from English, but did you know there are a few strange words that English has borrowed from Japanese?
Aside from the common words like “sushi” or “origami” English has words that originated in Japanese that I’ll bet most English speakers are completely unaware of their origins. One such word is “honcho” or 班長 (hanchō) which means “leader” or “boss” in both English and Japanese.
Another word taken from Japanese is “rickshaw” which has been changed a bit to make it hard to connect to its’ original meaning. It comes from the Japanese word 人力車 (jinrikisha) having the exact same meaning in both languages. There are still many other words borrowed from Japanese so if you’re interested try and find some yourself!