Daria Szalach

Daria Szalach


Life baseball Poland

I wonder about people who can't respect another person Sitting in the stands listening What does it matter that his leg hurts he has to play the match is important You have to win Or you have to feed these mouths And various ones that are n

    • the power of three heads

      hello how are you Joanna asked to which I say great  she said: great, let's practice Japanese today, me: why not Just to be clear, I had to refuse, but what are we going to practice today? listening translation Since Joanna is a Japanese t

      • I'm coming back

        I received a job offer at the consulate in Korea through the Polish consulate.  most people wonder who I am I'm an ordinary girl who didn't waste her chance and believed in herself although in terms of love it is at a very low level, there

        • why sports

          veda quite briefly why sports although the family policy went in a different direction  I played primary school volleyball until high school  my son baseball from 2.5 years of age  the rest of the family and volleyball to this day  MUKS

        Life baseball Poland

          Baseball ⚾

          Why baseball? From the time our son turned 2 and was entering his 3rd year, our baseball adventure began. Since then I can't imagine any other sport it has entered my blood. Someone said he would play baseball eee  Well it's been 10 yea

          Long time

          Hello  I haven't been here in a while  There are grandparents in Poland from Korea  I am very happy that they stayed for so long  Some time off at work  And then a lot of work  In November I am going to Okinawa again  Time to get awa

          My Day

          Hi a normal day and so on and so forth. I get up as usual at 6:00 before everyone else. Breakfast is the most important, preparation and serving, of course everything before going to work, I also prepare something for dinner but usually


          how to raise a half-Korean child? in relation to grandparents, they should be raised as they think. I have great respect and gratitude for what we have today. alone it is difficult, especially since I am European, on the other hand I hav


          Odkąd pamiętam,zawsze się uczyłam gotować po koreańsku, Jakieś 10 lat minęło  Kawałek czasu  Od potrawa na ważne święta w Korei zaczynające się w lutym  Lunarny nowy rok po listopadowe święta. Odkąd pamiętam nie obchodzę katolickich świata

          Two week off

          Hello Today is a day called what to do? Overdue work done, the weather was great. I had a very boring day. Grandparents didn't come today. I'm still struggling with the dilemma of moving to Korea. Because a single mother has no right to exi

          Kim jestem

          Nazywam się Daria. Jestem pół polka pół Czech republic 🇵🇱🇨🇿 Mam 28 lat  Skończyłam orientalistyka (,koreański polityka i kultura)🇰🇷 Na codzien mama pół Koreańczyka  Jestem tłumaczem koreańskiego 🇵🇱🇰🇷 Pomimo młodego wieku i macierzyństwa uda


          Po trzech dniach pobytu w Tokio , wybraliśmy się na zasłużony odpoczynek na Okinawa -Naha ,gdybym miała uciec to właśnie tam zakochałam się w tym miejscu w listopadzie wracam w to cudowne miejsc ,lecz będzie to połączone z odwiedzinami Pólk

          Yokaiki i inne historie

          Yōkai (jap. 妖怪) – ogólna nazwa mitycznych stworzeń-potworów występujących w japońskiej mitologii i tradycjach ludowych. Coś odmienionego lub okazującego dziwne zmiany w sposób niezrozumiały, powodujący w ludziach strach lub zdziwienie. Pod

          Yokaiki i inne historie

          Trip Japan

          W styczniu tego roku w końcu poleciałam z moją największą przyjaciółka i jej japońską rodzina do Japonii .Lot z 10latkiem masakra podróż 13h  . Godzina 22.50 Warszawa samolot wystartował  Młody jak i Levi i Lio poszli spav,wykończyła ich po

          Open my first office

          I'm still developing and in shape, I'm proud of myself for having achieved so much at the age of 28 except for one thing I'm missing somewhere it's not about money but about a complete family #仕事のコツ

          Open my first office

          My little big trip to Asia

          I've been waiting for this day for a long time when I will see Asia and stand on this land, so many years of learning the language and it finally happened. everything happened so suddenly The beginning of my son's school year was approachin

          My little big trip to Asia