
the power of three heads

hello how are you Joanna asked to which I say great 

she said: great, let's practice Japanese today, me: why not Just to be clear, I had to refuse, but what are we going to practice today? listening translation Since Joanna is a Japanese translator, who graduated in Japanese studies at the Jagiellonian University and is the wife of a Japanese man, such an extreme task was inevitable. And also at that time, Miki was watching his coach LIVE, I was surprised. 

The lady from the Jagiellonian University announced that we would explain to Miki what his coach was talking about on LIVE. Well, my Japanese is limited to Hiragana and Katakana and a little bit of Kanji because it's still black magic to me, so we joined forces and Joanna's husband, Yusuke-san, joined our group of translators, and together.

 Joanna added what I understood.
The whole conversation was very interesting. 
