
大統領 ラストスピーチ
VA Choice VAの説明責任を果たし、刑事司法改革の画期的な試みを行い、合衆国最高裁判所の3人の新しい裁判官を確認します。
VA Choice VAの説明責任を果たし、刑事司法改革の画期的な試みを行い、合衆国最高裁判所の3人の新しい裁判官を確認します。
私たちはエルサレムをイスラエルの首都として認識し、アルボル外交と原則的なリアリズムの結果としてゴラン高原に対するイスラエルの主権を認識し、中東で一連の歴史的な平和協定を達成しました。誰もそれが起こり得るとは信じていませんでした。 アブラハム合意は、暴力や流血ではなく、平和と調和の未来への扉を開きます。
この遺産の中心で私たち全員が共有する遺産は、私たちが誰であるか、そしてどのようにしてここにたどり着いたかを忘れた場合にのみ、表現の自由、言論の自由、公開討論に対する確固たる信念でもあり、政治的検閲とブラックリストの作成を許可することができます。 。
my fellow Americans,
4 years ago we launched a great National effort to rebuild our country to renew its spirit,and to restore the allegiance of this government to its citizens, ensured we embarked on a mission to make America great again, for all Americans,
as I conclude my term as the 45th president of the United State I stand before you truly proud of what we have achieved together, we did what we came here to do and so much more.
this week we had our grade a new Administration and pray for its success in keeping America safe and prosperous,
we extend our best wishes and we also want them to have luck, very important word I'd like to begin by thanking just a few of the amazing people who made our remarkable Journey possible first let me express my overwhelming gratitude for the love and support of our spectacular first lady Melania.
let me also share my deepest appreciation to my daughter Ivanka my son-in-law Jared and to Behrend on Eric Tiffany and Lara you fill my world with light and with joy,
you fill my world with light and with joy I also want to thank vice president Mike Pence, his wonderful wife Karen and the entire Pence family.
thank you as well to my Chief of Staff Mark Meadows the dedicated members of The White House staff, and the cabinet and all of the incredible people across our Administration who poured out their heart and soul to fight for America, I also want to take a moment to thank a truly exceptional group of people, United States Secret Service, my family and I will forever be in your debt.
my profound gratitude as well to everyone in the White House military office, the teams of marine one and Air Force, One every member of the Armed Forces and state and local law enforcement all across our country,
most of all I want to thank the American people, to serve as your president has been an honor Beyond description, thank you for this extraordinary privilege and that's what it is a great privilege and a great honor,
we must never forget that while Americans will always have our disagreements we are a nation of incredible DC and faithful and peace-loving citizens,
who all want our country to thrive and flourish and be very very successful and good, we are a truly magnificent Nation. all Americans were horrified by the assault in our Capital political violence is an attack on everything we cherish is Americans.
it can never be tolerated now more than ever we must unify around our shared values and rise above the partisan Rancor and forger destiny,
4 years ago I came to Washington is the only true Outsider ever to win the presidency, I had not spent my career as a politician,
what is a builder looking at opensky lines and imagining infinite possibilities,
I ran for president because I knew there were towering new Summits for America,
just waiting to be scaled I knew the potential for our nation was boundless as long as we put America first, so I left behind my former life and stepped into a very difficult Arena but in Arena nevertheless with all sorts of potential if properly done.
America had given me so much and I wanted to give something back, together with millions of hard-working Patriots across this land.
we built the greatest political movement in the history of our country, we also built the greatest economy in the history of the world,
it was about America first because we all wanted to make America great again, we restored the principle that a nation exists to serve its Citizens, our agenda,
was not about right or left it wasn't about Republican or Democrat but about the good of a nation, and that means the whole nation, with the support and prayers of the American people, we achieve more than anyone thought possible, nobody thought we could even come close we passed the largest package of tax cuts and reforms in American history,
prayers of the American people we achieve more than anyone thought possible nobody thought we could even come close we passed the largest package of tax cuts and reforms in American history,
we more job-killing regulations and any administration had ever done before, we fix our broken trade deals withdrew from the horrible trans-pacific partnership and the impossible Paris climate Accord, renegotiated the one side, and South Korea deal and we replace NAFTA, with the groundbreaking usmca, that's Mexico and Canada, a deal that's worked out very very well, also and very importantly we impose historic and Monumental tariffs on China, made a great new deal with China, but before the ink was even dry, we and the whole world got hit with a China virus, or trade relationship was rapidly changing billions and billions of dollars were pouring into the us but the virus forced us to go in a different direction, the whole world suffered, but America outperformed to other countries economically because of our incredible economy and the economy that we built, without the foundations and footings it wouldn't have worked out this way we wouldn't have some of the best numbers we've ever had, we also unlocked our energy resources and became the world's number one producer of oil and natural gas by far, powered by these policies we built the greatest economy in the history of the world we reignited America's job creation and Achieve record low unemployment for African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, women almost everyone, in come sword wages boomed the American dream was restored and minions were lifted from poverty in just a few short years, it was a miracle stock market set one record after another with 148 stock market highs during the short Of time, and boosted the retirements and pensions of hard-working citizens all across our nation, 401K are at a level they've never been at before we've never seen numbers like,
we've seen, and that's before the pandemic and after the pandemic we rebuilt the American manufacturing base opened up thousands of new factories and brought back the beautiful phrase made in the USA, to make life better for Working Families we double the child tax credit & the largest-ever expansion of funding for childcare and development, we joined with the private sector to secure commitments to train more than 16 million American workers for the jobs of tomorrow when our nation,
was hit with the terrible pandemic, we produced not one but two vaccines, with record-breaking speed and more will quickly follow they said it couldn't be done but we did it they called it a medical miracle and that's what they calling it right now a medical miracle another Administration would have taken 345 maybe even up to 10 years to develop a vaccine we did it in 9 months.
we grieve for every life lost and we pledge in their memory to wipe out this horrible pandemic once and for all when the virus took its brutal toll on the world's economy we launch the fastest economic recovery our country has ever seen.
we pass nearly four trillion dollars and economically leave saved or supported over 50 million jobs and/the unemployment rate and a half these are numbers that our country has never seen.
before we create a choice and transparency and Healthcare stood up to Big Pharma in so many ways but especially in our effort to get Favored Nations Clause has added which will give us the lowest prescription drug prices anywhere in the world.
we pass VA Choice VA accountability right to try and landmark Criminal Justice Reform, we confirm three new justices of the United States Supreme Court.
we appointed nearly 300 federal judges to interpret our constitution as written.
for years the American people pleaded with Washington to finally secure the nation's borders.
I am pleased to say we answered that plea and achieve the most secure Border in US history.
we have given our brave border agents and heroic ice officers.
the tools they need to do their job is better than they have ever done before and to enforce our laws, and keep America safe,
we proudly leave the next Administration with the strongest and most robust border security measures ever put into place.
this includes historic agreement with Mexico Guatemala Honduras and El Salvador along with more than four hundred and fifty miles of powerful new wall.
we restored American strength at home and American leadership abroad the world respects us again please don't lose that respect.
we reclaimed our sovereignty by standing up for America at the United Nations, and withdrawing from the one-sided Lobo deals that never served our interest and NATO countries are now paying hundreds of billions of dollars more than when I arrived just a few years ago.
we pass nearly four trillion dollars and economically leave saved or supported over 50 million jobs and/the unemployment rate and a half these are numbers that our country has never seen.
before we create a choice and transparency and Healthcare stood up to Big Pharma in so many ways but especially in our effort to get Favored Nations Clause has added which will give us the lowest prescription drug prices anywhere in the world.
we pass VA Choice VA accountability right to try and landmark Criminal Justice Reform, we confirm three new justices of the United States Supreme Court.
we appointed nearly 300 federal judges to interpret our constitution as written.
for years the American people pleaded with Washington to finally secure the nation's borders.
I am pleased to say we answered that plea and achieve the most secure Border in US history.
we have given our brave border agents and heroic ice officers.
the tools they need to do their job is better than they have ever done before and to enforce our laws, and keep America safe,
we proudly leave the next Administration with the strongest and most robust border security measures ever put into place.
this includes historic agreement with Mexico Guatemala Honduras and El Salvador along with more than four hundred and fifty miles of powerful new wall.
we restored American strength at home and American leadership abroad the world respects us again please don't lose that respect.
we reclaimed our sovereignty by standing up for America at the United Nations, and withdrawing from the one-sided Lobo deals that never served our interest and NATO countries are now paying hundreds of billions of dollars more than when I arrived just a few years ago.
it was very unfair we were paying the cost for the world, now the world, is helping us and perhaps most importantly of all with nearly 3 trillion dollars, we fully rebuilt the American Military all made in the USA.
we launched the first new branch of the United States armed forces and 75 years the space force, at last spring I stood at Kennedy Space Center in Florida and watched as American astronauts return to space one American rockets for the first time in many many years.
we Revitalize our alliances and rally the nations of the world to stand up to China, like never before, we are obliterated the Isis caliphate, and ended The Wretched life of its founder and leader al-baghdadi.
we stood up to the oppressive Viridian regime and killed the world's top terrorist Iranian butcher qassem soleimani.
we recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and recognized Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights as a result of Arbol diplomacy and principled realism we achieved a series of historic peace deals in the Middle East, nobody believed it could happen. the Abraham Accords open the doors to a future of peace and Harmony not violence and bloodshed, it is the dawn of a new Middle East and we are bringing our soldiers home.
I'm especially proud to be the first president in decades who has started no new Wars.
above all we have reasserted the sacred idea that in America the government answers to the people, are Guiding Light are Northstar our unwavering conviction has been that we are here to serve the noble everyday citizens of America,
our allegiances not to the special-interest corporations are Global entities it's to our children are citizens and to our nation itself as president my top priority my constant concern has always been the best interests of American workers and American families, I did not seek the easiest course by far it was actually the most difficult, I did not seek the path that would get the least criticism, I took on the tough battles the hardest fights the most difficult choices because that's what you elected me to do, your needs were my first and last unyielding Focus this I hope will be our greatest Legacy, together we put the American people back in charge of our country.
we restored self-government, we restored the idea that in America, no one is forgotten because everyone matters and everyone has a voice, we fought for the principle that every citizen, is entitled to equal dignity equal treatment and equal rights, because we are all made equal by God, everyone is entitled to be treated with respect, to have their voice heard and to have their government listen you, are loyal to your country, and my Administration was always loyal to you we work to build a country in which every citizen could find a great job, and support their wonderful families.
we fought for the communities where every American could be safe and schools where every child could learn, we promoted a culture where a laws would be upheld, Our Heroes honored, our history preserve and law-abiding citizens are never taken for granted American should take tremendous satisfaction, in all that we have achieved together it's incredible.
now as I leave the White House, I have been reflecting on the dangers that threaten the price list inheritance, we all share as the world's most powerful Nation America faces constant threats and challenges, from abroad but the greatest danger, we face is a loss of confidence in ourselves, a loss of confidence in our national greatness a nation is only as strong as its Spirit, we are only as dynamic as our pride, we are only as vibrant as the faith that beats in the hearts of our people,
no Nation can long Thrive that loses faith that are sewn values history and heroes for these are the very sources of our unity and our Vitality.
what is always allowed America to Prevail and Triumph over the great challenges of the past, has been an unyielding and unashamed conviction in the nobility of our country, and its unique purpose in history, we must never lose this conviction, we must never forsake our belief in America the key to National greatness lies in sustaining and instilling our shared national identity that means focusing on what we have in common,
the Heritage that we all share at the center of this Heritage is also a robust belief in free expression, free speech, and open debate only if we forget who we are and how we got here could we ever allow political censorship and blacklisting to take place.
in America, it's not even think about shutting down free and open debate violates, our core values and most enduring traditions in America.
we don't insist on absolute Conformity or enforce rigid, orthodoxies and punitive speech codes, we just don't do that America, is not a timid nation of tame Souls who need to be sheltered and protected from those with whom we disagree,
that's not who we are, it will never be who we are, for nearly 250 years, in the face of every challenge, Americans have always summoned are, unmatched courage, confidence, and fierce Independence.
these are the miraculous traits that once LED millions of everyday citizens. to set out across a wild continent and carve out a new life in the Great West.
it was the same profound love of our god-given freedom.
that will do our soldiers into battle and our astronauts into space, as I think back on the past four years one image Rises, and my mind above all others, whenever I traveled all along the motorcade route there were thousands and thousands of people they came out with their family, so that they could stand as we passed and proudly wave, our Great American flag, it never fail to deeply move me.
I knew that they did not just come out to show their support of me they came out to show me. their support and love for our country, this is a Republica proud citizens who are united by our common conviction that America is the greatest nation in all of history we are and must always be a Land of Hope of light and of Glory to all the world.
I knew that they did not just come out to show their support of me they came out to show me. their support and love for our country, this is a Republica proud citizens who are united by our common conviction that America is the greatest nation in all of history we are and must always be a Land of Hope of light and of Glory to all the world.
this is the precious inheritance that we must Safeguard at every single turn for the past four years.
I have work to do just that from a great hall of Muslim leaders in Riyadh to a great square of Polish people in Warsaw, from the floor of the Korean assembly to the podium at the United Nations General Assembly, and from the Forbidden City in Beijing to the shadow of Mount Rushmore, I fought for you, I fought for your family, I fought for our country, above all I fought for America, and all it stands for and that is safe, strong proud, and free.
now as I prepare to hand power over to a new administration at noon on Wednesday, I want you to know that the movement, we started is only just beginning there's.
never been anything like it, the belief that a nation was service citizens, will not dwindle but instead only grow Stronger by the day as long as the American people,
holding their hearts, deep and devoted love of country, then there is nothing that this nation cannot achieve country, then there is nothing that this station cannot achieve, our communities will flourish our people will be prosperous our Traditions will be cherished our faith will be strong, and our future will be brighter than ever before I go from this Majestic place with a loyal and joyful heart, and optimistic spirit and a supreme confidence that for our country, and for our children The Best Is Yet To Come.
thank you, and farewell God bless you, God bless the United States of America.
a great honor
The Honorable right side of the greatest
2018 for Deerfield Apartments Pulaski events today
emphasizes thank you
all very much romantic wallpaper
thank you thank you very much thank you
thank you very much and we love you and I can tell you that from the bottom of my heart this has been an incredible four years we've accomplished so much together I want to thank all of my family and my friends and my staff and some of the other people for being here I want to thank you for your effort your hard work people have no idea how hard this family worked I worked and they work for you they could have had a much easier life but they just they did a fantastic job but just want to thank all of you everyone I want to thank Mark Meadows who's here someplace right there I want to thank Mark but it's been it's been something very special we've accomplished a lot our first lady has been a woman of great grace and beauty and dignity add so popular with the paper so popular with the people in fact honey would you like to say a few words.
being your first lady was my greatest honor thank you for your love and your support you will be in my thoughts and prayers God bless you oh God bless your family and God bless this beautiful Nation
what else has to be said right but what we've done that's truly what we've done has been amazing by any standard we rebuilt the United States military we created a new Force called space force that in itself would be a major achievement for a regular Administration we were not a regular Administration we took care of the Vets 91% approval ready they've never had that before the Vets have given us the VA events have given us at approval rating like has never been before we took care of our vets and our beautiful vets they were very badly treated before we came along and as you know we get them great service and we pick up the bill and they can go out and they can see a doctor if they have to wait long periods of time we got it so that we can sadly get rid of people that don't treat our vets properly we had we didn't have any of those rights before when I came on so our vets are happy our people are happy our military is thrilled we also got tax cuts the largest tax cut and reform in the history of our country by far.
I hope they don't raise your taxes but if they do I told you so add if you look at the regulations which I consider the regulation cuts to be maybe even more important that's why we have such good and have had such good job numbers that job numbers have been absolutely incredible what we started had we not been hit by the pandemic we would have had numbers that would never have been seen already our numbers are the best ever if you look at what happened until February that year ago our numbers were at 11 that nobody had ever seen before and even now we really built it twice we got hit nobody blames us for that the whole world got head and then we built it again and now the stock market is actually substantially higher than it was at a tire Point prior to the pandemic so it's really you could say we built it twice and give it to see you're going to see incredible numbers start coming in if everything is so I left alone be careful very complex be careful but you going to see some incredible things happening and remember us when you see these things happening if you would remember us because I'm looking at I'm look at it elements of our economy that are set to be a rocket ship up it's a rocket ship up we have the greatest country in the world we have the greatest economy in the world and as bad as the pandemic was we were hit so hard just like the entire world was hit so hard places that thought they got away with it didn't get away with it their suffering right now and we did something that is the really considered a medical miracle that calling it a miracle in that was the vaccine we got the vaccine developed in 9 months instead of nine years or 5 years or 10 years or a long time it was supposed to take a long time many many years to develop a vaccine we have two out we have another one coming almost immediately and it really is a great achievement so you should start to see really good numbers over the next few months I think you're going to see those numbers really Skyrocket downward and I can only say this we have worked hard we've left it all as the athletes would say we've left it all in the field we don't have to,
we don't have to come and say we'll never say in a month when we're sitting in Florida we're not going to be looking at each other and saying you know if we only worked a little bit harder you can work harder and we had a lot of obstacles and we went through the obstacles and we just got 75 million votes and that's a record in the history of in the history sitting president that's an old time record by a lot by many millions in the history of sitting presidents has been really just an honor and one of the things were very very proud of is the selection of almost 300 federal judges and three great Supreme Court Justices that's a very big number that's a record-setting number and that's all we've done a lot and there's still things to do the first thing we have to do is pay our respects and our love to the incredible people and families who suffered so Gravely from the China virus it's a horrible thing that was put on to the world we all know where it came from but it's a horrible horrible thing so be very careful be very very careful but we want to pay great love great love to all of the people that have suffered including families who have suffered so greatly so with that I I just want to say you are amazing people this is a great great country it is my greatest honor and privilege to have been your president.
I will always fight for you I will be watching I will be listening and I will tell you that the future of this country has never been better I wish the new Administration great luck and great success I think they'll have great success they have the foundation to do something really spectacular and again we put it in a position like it's never been before despite the worst plague to hit since I guess you'd say 1917 over a hundred years ago and despite that despite that the things that we've done have been just incredible and I couldn't have done them done it without you so just hey goodbye we love you we will be back in some form and again I want to just leaving I want to thank our vice president Mike Pence and Karen I want to thank Congress cuz we really worked well with Congress at least certain elements in Congress but we really did we've gotten so much done that nobody thought it would be possible but I do want to thank on cuz I don't want to take all of the great people of Washington DC all of the people that we work with the foot this miracle together so have a good life we will see you soon thank you thank you very much thank you very much.
彼らがあなたの税金を上げないことを願っていますが、もしそうなら、私があなたに言ったので、あなたが規制の削減がおそらくもっと重要であると私が考える規制を見れば、それが私たちがとても良い仕事数を持っている理由ですパンデミックに見舞われなかったとしたら、私たちが始めた仕事の数は絶対に信じられないほどでした。その年の2月までに起こったことを見ると、私たちの数はこれまでで最高です。 11誰も見たことがなく、今でも実際に2回構築したことで、全世界が頭角を現したことを誰も非難しませんでした。その後、再構築しました。現在、株式市場は実際にはタイヤポイントよりも大幅に高くなっています。パンデミックの前に、私たちはそれを2回構築し、すべてがあれば信じられないほどの数が入り始めるのを見ることができると言うことができますので、私は放っておいてください非常に複雑に注意してください私が見ているので私たちを覚えているなら、これらのことが起こっているのを見たら私たちを覚えておいてください私はそれを見ていて、私たちの経済の要素がロケット船になるように設定されていますそれは私たちが持っているロケット船です世界で最も偉大な国私たちは世界で最も経済が大きく、パンデミックと同じくらいひどい打撃を受けました。まるで全世界が打撃を受けたのと同じように、彼らはそれで逃げたと思っていたので、彼らはそれで逃げられませんでした。今苦しんでいる私たちは、それを奇跡と呼んでいる医療の奇跡と本当に考えられていることをしました。それは、ワクチンを9年、5年、10年、または長い間ではなく、9か月で開発したワクチンでした。ワクチンを開発するのに何年もかかるので、2つあります。もう1つはほぼすぐに届きます。これは本当に素晴らしい成果です。今後数か月で本当に良い数が見られるようになるはずです。それらの数字を実際に見るには下向きに急上昇し、これは私たちが一生懸命働いたとしか言えません。アスリートは私たちがする必要のないフィールドにすべてを残したと言うので、すべてを残しました。
thank you, thank you very much,
thank you.
thank you very much and we love you and I can tell you that from the bottom of my heart,
this has been an incredible four years, we've accomplished so much together I want to thank all of my family and my friends and my staff and some of the other people for being here I want to thank, you for your effort your hard work, people have no idea how hard this family worked, I worked and they work for you, they could have had a much easier life, but they just they did a fantastic job but just want to thank all of you everyone.
I want to thank Mark Meadows who's here someplace right there I want to thank Mark, but it's been, it's been something very special we've accomplished a lot our first lady has been, a woman of great, grace and, beauty and dignity,
add so popular with the paper, so popular with the people in fact honey would you like to say a few words.
being your first lady, was my greatest honor, thank you for your love, and your support you will be in my thoughts and prayers,
God bless you oh, God bless your familys, and God bless this beautiful Nation.
what else has to be said right, but what we've done that's truly what we've done has been amazing by any standard, we rebuilt the United States military, we created, a new Force called space force that in itself would be a major achievement for a regular Administration we were not a regular Administration we took care of the Vets 91% approval ready they've never had that before the Vets have given us the VA, events have given us at approval rating like has never been before, we took care of our vets and our beautiful vets they were very badly treated before we came along, and as you know we get them great service and we pick up the bill and they can go out and they can see a doctor if they have to wait long periods of time we got it so that we can, sadly get rid of people that don't treat our vets properly we had we didn't have any of those rights before when I came on so our vets are happy our, people are happy, our military is thrilled we also got, tax cuts the largest tax cut and reform in the history of our country by far.
I hope they don't raise your taxes, but if they do I told you so,
add if you look at the regulations which I consider the regulation cuts to be maybe even more important that's why we have such good and have had such good job numbers that job numbers have been absolutely incredible, what we started had we not been hit by the pandemic, we would have had, numbers that would never have been seen already our numbers are the best ever if you look at what happened until February, that year ago our numbers were at 11 that nobody had ever seen before, and even now we really built it twice, we got hit nobody blames us for that the whole world got head and then we built it again and now, the stock market is actually substantially higher than it was at a tire Point prior to the pandemic, so it's really you could say we built it twice, and give it to see you're going to see incredible numbers start coming in if everything is so I left alone be careful very complex be careful but you going to see some incredible things happening and remember us when you see these things happening if you would remember us because I'm looking at I'm look at it elements of our economy that are set to be a rocket ship up, it's a rocket ship up, we have the greatest, country in the world we have the greatest economy in the world, and as bad as the pandemic was we were, hit so hard just like the entire world was hit so hard places that thought they got away with it didn't get away with it their suffering right now, and we did something that is the really considered a medical miracle that calling it a miracle in that was the vaccine, we got the vaccine developed in 9 months instead of nine years or 5 years or 10 years or, a long time it was supposed to take a long time many many years to develop a vaccine we have, two out we have another one coming almost immediately and it really is a great achievement so you should start to see really good numbers over the next few months I think you're going to see those numbers really Skyrocket downward and I can only say this we have worked hard we've left it all as the athletes would say we've left it all in the field, we don't have to,
we don't have to come and say we'll never say in a month, when we're sitting in Florida we're not going to be looking at each other, and saying you know if we only worked a little bit harder you can work harder, and we had a lot of obstacles and we went through the obstacles, and we just got 75 million votes, and that's a record in the history of in the history, sitting president that's an old time record by a lot by many millions in the history of sitting presidents has been really just an honor, and one of the things were very very proud of is the selection of almost 300 federal judges, and three great Supreme Court Justices that's, a very big number that's a record-setting number, and that's all we've done a lot and there's still things to do the first thing, we have to do is pay, our respects and our love, to the incredible people and families who suffered so Gravely from the China virus it's a horrible thing that was put on to the world we all know where it came from but it's a horrible horrible thing so be very careful, be very very careful, but we want to pay great love, great love to all of the people that have suffered including families who have suffered so greatly so with that I I just want to say you are amazing people this is a great great country, it is my greatest honor, and privilege to have been your president.
I will always fight for you.
I will be watching, I will be listening, and I will, tell you that the future of this country has never been better.
I wish the new Administration, great luck and great success, I think they'll have great success they have the foundation to do something really spectacular, and again, we put it in a position like it's never been before despite the worst plague to hit, since I guess you'd say 1917 over a hundred years ago, and despite that, despite that the things that we've done have been just incredible and I couldn't have done them done it without you so just.
hey goodbye, we love you, we will be back in some form,
and again I want to just leaving I want to thank our vice president Mike Pence and Karen, I want to thank Congress cuz we really worked well with Congress, at least certain elements in Congress, but we really did we've gotten so much done that nobody thought it would be possible but I do want to thank on cuz I don't want to take all of the great people of Washington DC, all of the people that we work, with the foot this miracle together, so have a good life, we will see you soon.
thank you, thank you very much,
thank you very much.
新政権、幸運、そして大成功を祈っています。彼らは本当に素晴らしいことをするための基盤を持っているので、大成功を収めると思います。また、最悪の疫病にもかかわらず、これまでにないような立場に置きました。 、100年以上前に1917年とおっしゃっていたと思いますが、それにもかかわらず、私たちが行ったことは信じられないほど素晴らしいものであり、あなたなしではそれを行うことはできませんでした。
