
Karuizawa Vegan Cafe and "Dango" Ride (with map)

Karuizawa is easily accessible from Tokyo by Shinkansen, which is an hour away, or if you leave early in the morning on the Kan-Etsu Expressway by car, you won't get stuck in traffic jams.
It is a popular summer resort, and there are many ways to enjoy riding a bicycle, such as high-intensity courses with many ups and downs, pottering around delicious lunch spots and cafes, or gravel rides on unpaved roads.

There are many convenience stores and vending machines, so it's great that you don't have to worry about replenishing your supplies while riding through beautiful roads with sunbeams filtering through the trees and magnificent views of Mt. Asama.
If you avoid the main streets, you can ride smoothly without stress even during the Vacation seasons when cars are jammed.

The theme of this ride is to eat lunch at a delicious vegan cafe in Oiwake and ride on the pleasant roads of Karuizawa. It has just the right amount of strength to eat a filling lunch and snack while enjoying the slight ups and downs and the scenery of Mt. Asama that spreads out in front of you.

The test ride date was  the middle of August, 2023. We left Karuizawa station at 9:00 in the morning, but we arrived at the vegan restaurant "RK GARDEN", which was my destination, later than planned. So we ate soba at a soba restaurant "Kikori" located a little further along National Route 18.
(During the test ride, the route to "RK GARDEN" was set longer than the current one, and there were many stops for shooting, so it took a long time.)
試走日は2023年8月半ば。朝9時に軽井沢駅を出発したが、目的としていたビーガンレストラン「RK GARDEN」に着いたのが予定より遅くなり、1時時間待ちと言われて断念。国道18号線沿いの少し先にあるそば屋「きこり」でそばをいただいた。
(試走時は「RK GARDEN」までのルートを現状より長く設定していたのと、撮影のためのストップが多かったため時間がかかった)

After lunch, head down the mountain towards Miyota. There is little traffic, forest roads and cabbage fields here and there. When the field of vision opens, Mt. Asama appears large. There are many soba fields along the way. Once you reach the bottom, the altitude drops, so although it is hot in midsummer, the scenery of a peaceful rural town typical of Shinshu is attractive. After passing Miyota Station, it was time for a snack at our next destination, Dango(rice dumpling) Cafe Kaerutei.
昼食後は、御代田方面に山の中を下る。車通りが少なく、林道とところどころにキャベツ畑。視界が開けると、浅間山が大きく見える。途中には蕎麦畑も多い。下りきると標高が下がるため、真夏は暑いものの、信州らしいのどかな田舎町の風景が魅力。御代田駅を通り過ぎ、次の目的地の「だんごカフェ かえる亭」でおやつタイム。

After that, ride to Komoro and go up to the “1000m forest road”. The 1000m forest road is a pleasant road that is also the course of Karuizawa Grand Fondo.In the shade of the trees, we can ride at a good pace with just little ups and downs.
However, on this day, there were parts that collapsed and were impassable, so we avoided to the Asama Sunline.
Avoiding the traffic as much as possible, go to Karuizawa Station, the goal point. We rode at slow pace while taking pictures, and reached the goal around 17:30.

The small mountain pass that starts at the 16km mark is a pleasant road with beautiful sunlight filtering through the trees. You can also see Mt. Asama in the distance.

"RK GARDEN" at the 27km point, which was the original objective, was rotating quite slowly.
If you want to have lunch here, be sure to arrive before they open at 11am.
We visited there the other day without  bicycles, and it was delicious and filling enough to satisfy even we’re non-vegan.
当初の目的だった27km地点の「RK GARDEN」は回転がかなりゆっくり。ここでランチをするなら、オープンの11時までには到着していたい。

Kikori, a soba restaurant in Oiwake, is a popular restaurant with long lines, but the rotation is quick. When we arrived on this day, we were told that we were in the ninth group, but it took us about 20 minutes to enter. The soba noodles came out quickly, so the total waiting time and meal time was less than an hour. There are several other soba restaurants in the Oiwake area.

The fact that buckwheat fields spread here and there is typical of Shinshu,Nagano.

Snack Point rice dumpling café“Kaerutei'' is a pretty and nostalgic shop that is housed in an old private house.
There was a nice smell of burning soy sauce, but it was a hot day so we had iced monaka with red beans and iced coffee instead of dango(rice dumpling).
Red beans are very delicious and go well with coffee.
おやつポイント「おだんごカフェ かえる亭」は、古民家を利用したかわいく、懐かしい雰囲気のお店。

Distance: 75km
Elevation gained: approx. 1200m
Course: up and down

【Points to note/注意ポイント】
- Estimated departure time is 9am. Immediately after departure, we stopped at 300m point convenience store on the route to secure water and some supplementary food. There are convenience stores and supermarkets that you can stop by on the route, so basically you don't have to worry about replenishment.
・There are several places with very short gravel that can be passed by a road bike.
・The route goes down a 1,000m forest road at the 58km point to stop at a convenience store, but if you don't need to use the restroom or replenish your supplies, you can continue straight until you turn a little before Romantic Road. Romantic Road is quite crowded, so turn right a little before heading towards Naka-Karuizawa. We chose a route with as little traffic as possible to get to my goal, Karuizawa Station.
・During the test ride, there was a section of the 1000m forest road that was closed due to a collapse. The route continues along a forest road for 1000m, but during the test run we veered towards the Asama Sunline at the 55km mark and rejoined the original route at the 59km mark.
・During winter, many roads are closed due to freezing. You can ride in mid-April to early November.

