齋藤 純一・谷澤正嗣著、公共哲学入門
齋藤 純一、谷澤正嗣 公共哲学入門: 自由と複数性のある社会のために NHKブックス 2023.3.25
• 公共的理由 (public reason) と 公共的正当化 (public justification)
― 公共的な議論の正当性をどう担保するかという視点。
• 私的な不運 (private misfortune) と 公共的な不正義 (public injustice)
― 個人の問題と社会の構造的課題の区別を探る視点。
• 公衆 (the public) と 大衆 (the masses)
― 社会を動かす主体としての違いに焦点を当てた議論。
• 組織された嘘 (organized lying) と 真理(真実を語ること、truth-telling)
• ケイパビリティ(潜在能力、capability)
• 正統性(legitimacy) と 正しさ(correctness)
• 自律(autonomy) と 自立(independence)
Junichi Saito, Masatsugu Tanizawa, Introduction to Public Philosophy: For a Society of Freedom and Pluralism, NHK Books, 2023.3.25
After reading this book, I was deeply moved. It is written in an easy-to-read, simple style. The content covers a wide range of issues, and I feel that tracing the people and books introduced in the book will provide an opportunity to consider the issues facing modern society in greater depth. Through this book, I was reminded of how important it is to understand the subtle nuances of language. This is essential for deepening discussions and clarifying complex issues. Specifically, the following concepts are introduced and the differences and meanings of each are considered in detail.
・Public reason and public justification
- A perspective on how to ensure the legitimacy of public debate.
・Private misfortune and public injustice
- A perspective that explores the distinction between individual problems and structural issues in society.
・The public and the masses
- A discussion that focuses on the differences between the two as agents that move society.
・Organized lying and truth-telling
In addition, the following important concepts are also listed as key points for discussion, and the meaning and differences between them are deeply explored.
・Capability (potential capacity)
・Legitimacy and correctness
・Autonomy and independence
I feel that the discussions presented in this book are deeply connected to contemporary issues. For example, as events that call into question the very nature of democracy continue to occur, such as the Trump phenomenon and the UK's exit from the EU, issues such as populist leadership and the lack of information sharing in policy-making have become clear, and the opacity and fragmentation of the decision-making process are becoming more serious. In Japan, self-expression and the sharing of information in real time via social networking services are seen as characteristics of the younger generation, and this is highlighted in the form of the Ishimaru/Saito phenomenon, which highlights the difficulty of reaching a consensus and the division of society. Whether it's social issues such as robberies by young people in financial difficulty, insider trading and scandals related to finance and securities, or policy debates such as the “virtuous cycle of growth and distribution” and “ability to pay,” the perspective of “public good” presented in this book shows a path to solving these issues and feels like an important step towards forging a “sustainable future.”