
万生集(生きる目的・意味・コツ)183 ~Manseishu/collection of purpose(meaning) of life~





Does not rot when fermented. Consciousness is fermenting would mean that of original and true self. It is pure consciousness which is at the bottom of each person's heart.

Humans are saved when they give up their profits and wants. The saved path called fermentation is made when we change our egocentric attitude. The intuition works for humans once fermented. We understand the real things. We can be seen in a wide field of view. There is peace and happy if they are fermented. 

(Ichiro Tsuneoka's words,)'What is the center? Where is that? To grab this is the only precious way for human survival.' 'Exhale everything you have. If you exhale, come in alone.' 'Is your Sake(liquor)useful?'

Living their own way would be natural posture for microbes. The microbes live for themselves in the real sense. They like themselves. I have begun to think that 'choosing things is most comfortable for us' as life goes might be the best way of life saves ourselves actually.

(2020.11.14.寺田本家 23代目当主 寺田啓佐『発酵道』、Teradahonke, 23th head of Terada family, Keisuke Terada, ' Hakkodo(the Path of Fermentation).')
