#万生集(#生きる目的 ・意味・コツ)197 ~Manseishu/collection of #purpose(#meaning) of life~
Life is 「C(choice)」between 「B(birth)」and「D(death)」. Choice by myself has been accumlated deep in the heart and the accumulation is called self-esteem by a clinical psychologist, Nathaniel Branden. Whatever answer you give, if you take responsibility for yourself, all your choices are correct.
You have to find your taste to enrich your life. For that reason, it is to be honest with your senses. Efforts to touch various things are also important to dig deep into it. Taste is not what you develop but what you feel. The taste of life and romance are there.
The greatest tragedy of capitalism regards the talent can not be converted into money as worthless.
After all life is enduring ambiguity. The best we can do is only to live faithfully now.
Because human relations have been an indispensable condition for survival, people feel the greatest stress when their relationships are cracked.
Philosopher Epicurus said. Three necessary conditions for human happiness are friendship, thinking and freedom. Freedom is to live by your own will.
(2020.12.5.作家 キム・スヒョン 『私は私のままで生きることにした』②、Writer, Kim Soo-hyun, 'I have decided to live as I am.'②)