万生集(生きる目的・意味・コツ)155 ~Manseishu/collection of purpose(meaning) of life~
ダーウィン 運と適応。人生をそう考えている。
フランシス・ベーコン knowledge is power.
死生観 星のかけらに戻るだけ。明日どうなるか分からない。考えてもしょうがないことは考えない。
From a historic perspective, more than 90% people die not to find what they want to do. Human motivation should be born from giving up. Giving up is accepting reality.
(Charles Robert)Darwin's 'luck and adaptation.'
I think that life is like that.
We need to study vertical(history), horizontal(world)and arithmetic(figure・fact・logic)to see the world flat.
Francis Bacon's 'knowledge is power.'
My view of life and death is just returning to the fragment of stars. I don't know what will happen tomorrow. I don't think about things that can't be helped by thinking.
You don't have to be in a hurry if you can't find what you want to do and like. Just look for that over a lifetime. I understand that life is flow of a river. Luck can not be influenced. Human are not so smart and strong. You can become something professional in 3 years.
My favorite words are people, book and journey.
Please do challenge yourself to what no one did and no one has gone.
(2020.7.24.NHK最後の講義 ライフネット生命創業者、立命館アジア太平洋大学(APU)学長 出口治明、Founder fo LIFENET INSURANCE COMPANY, President of Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University(APU), Haruaki Deguchi. )