
万生集(生きる目的・理由・コツ)50 ~Manseishu/collection of meaning and knack of life~


People sometimes ask me a question, 'what the meaning of life is.'  Unfortunately I have to say the reason why the people are unhappy if they think very deeply about the matter like this. People who are satisfied everyday do not think exaggerated and philosophical things ,'what life is' on purpose. Their mind escapes into the brain and they start to think for the first time when they want to turn their faces from reality in front of them by being stressed everyday. They should start to unravel the unhappy mind that makes them ask the question ,'what the meaning of living is.'  In other words people who are satisfied with working do not have to think the meaning of working.  

(2018/8/25 元住職 小池龍之介『煩悩(ストレス)フリーの働き方』、Former priest Ryunosuke Koike, 'A way of working that is Bonno(anxiety・stress) free.')
