Sandraの記事では、マネジメント・プログラムの構成とその設計背景について中心にお伝えしました。今回の記事では、Cohort-Based Learning(コーホート・ベースド・ラーニング)のスタイルでデザインされた、研修の中身や私たちの開発におけるこだわりを掘り下げてお伝えしていきます。
マネジメント研修 - この言葉を聞くと、もしかすると課長や部長などのミドルマネジメントを中心に思い浮かべるかもしれません。私たちのプログラムは、ミドルマネジメントの方々をもちろん対象にしていますが、役員などのシニアマネジメントクラスにもお受けいただけるよう開発しています。
講義も、ファシリテーターが話している時間は全体の 1/4程度です。参加者一人ひとりの気づきやナレッジを引き出したり、共有していただいたりすることで、他の受講者の学びに繋がります。
English version is following.
Hi, my name is MJ and I am developing the management program at Corele with Sandra.
In the previous article by Sandra, we focused on the structure of the management program. In this article, I would like to share further with you the features of the training program designed in the Cohort-Based Learning style and our commitment to its development.
The program is designed for not only middle managers but also executives. It can cover all levels of management.
Management training - When you hear this term, perhaps you think mainly of middle management, such as section managers and department heads. Our programs are designed for middle management, of course, but we have also developed programs for senior management, including executives.
The core of the training program, goal setting, and motivating team members remains the same for whatever level of management one person might be. It’s just that executives play an important role in setting organizational goals and building a culture that affects the entire company. Also, the types of jobs and areas to be managed will expand. On the other hand, section managers need to connect with the organizational goals of the entire company and set goals for their own organization. In addition, the work experience of those they manage varies from the first year with the company to a full-fledged member of the team.
Although there are these different characteristics for managers from different levels, we do not change the core of the program but provide content that is appropriate for each role.
We extract what is really important from existing frameworks, and then spice it up. We want the participants to be able to use the frameworks and create organizations built on trust.
The world is full of wonderful frameworks, such as SMART goals. But are you using these frameworks? More than likely, you have heard of it, but don’t formulate goals based on it.
I think there are various factors behind this, such as the elements being too detailed or the lack of an image of how to actually include the elements.
We thoroughly discuss what elements are really important, while also referring to the different existing frameworks in the world.
We are also particular about how we can add the spice that is uniquely Colere. Our mission at Colere is to create an organization that is bound by trust. We provide the program with a hidden flavor to help participants create such an organization.
We want our program participants to not only “understand” but be “able” to perform good management. Therefore we are not nice.
As Sandra's article states, we give our participants homework that they can use right away, but completing the homework is not easy. In fact, the load is so high that we hear from participants that the homework was difficult.
We need our participants to wrestle with it before they are able to use it. Otherwise, they will have the illusion that they already know how to do it. That is why we ask students to complete homework assignments that are not easy.
In the process of verbalizing their own thoughts and putting them into writing through the homework assignments, participants told us, "It made me realize that maybe I am only focusing on the weakness of my team members.”, “I realized that unless the goals of the organization are clear, it is impossible to incorporate them into individual goals," and so on.
Although not easy, the fact that we end up receiving such comments is proof that the participants have made another step forward in their growth.
Each participant's attitude toward learning from the other further enhances the quality of the training.
At the beginning of every training session, the facilitator tells the participants that "your participation is very important.” The reason for this is that we believe that the active participation of the participants allows them to learn from each other's learnings, which multiplies the learning many times over.
In the lectures, the facilitator speaks only about 1/4 of the one-hour course, most of the time is designed for the participants to share and discuss. The program facilitator would facilitate conversations around each participant's insights and knowledge so that it’s possible for them to learn from each other.
On the other hand, we know that if everyone is not enthusiastic about the course, the learning effect may be reduced.
We look forward to everyone’s active participation in our positive, not-so-slightly-kind management program that aims to equip participants with actual usable managing skills!