ジョナサン・ライチュー【CODE BLUE SPEAKER インタビュー】
[Speaker interview, English follows]
今回は「セキュリティ研究者を増強することでOSS系脆弱性を淘汰する」の講演を予定しているジョナサン・ライチュー(Jonathan Leitschuh)氏に話を伺いました。
講演のテーマは、OSS プロジェクトの脆弱性修正の自動化です。昨年末に発見・報告されたLog4Shellは、脆弱性の影響範囲が広く、かつその悪用が容易だったことから、大きな話題となりました。
フェローシップは、生前のカミンスキー氏が共同創立者として名を連ねたWhiteOps社(現HUMAN Security社)によって設立され、インターネットのイノベーションに貢献する人物に贈られるというものです。
―― 発表されるテーマを始めたきっかけは何ですか?
―― この研究を行う上で、障害となったことは何ですか?
―― この講演に参加しようと思っている人たちに一言お願いします。
“Scaling the Security Researcher to Eliminate OSS Vulnerabilities Once and For All”
Jonathan Leitschuh
―― How did you get started in the topic that you are presenting?
I've been finding security vulnerabilities in OSS since 2019, and often the same vulnerability appears again and again across multiple projects. It can be very difficult and time consuming to manually report these vulnerabilities to projects by-hand. I was inspired to throw automation at this project and found success on earlier attempts.
―― What were some of the obstacles in doing this research?
You have to be very conscious of the human element when automatically disclosing vulnerabilities to maintainers in this way. You’re essentially dropping an 0-day vulnerability on them, or it may not be a vulnerability at all. You have to be very careful and gentle in your disclosure.
Additionally, automatically rewriting code so that it looks like the surrounding code is a very difficult endeavor.
―― What would you say to the people thinking of attending this talk?
I’m hoping to inspire other security researchers to realize that the vulnerabilities we keep finding again and again, and again can actually be eliminated through automation. The technology exists, we just need to leverage it.