With a bound, the girl's future unfurled before her
Looking back now, it's truly strange, but it was a door to the future that opened with a jump. Before finding success, there were many falls. Despite that, the girl tried again and again in her youth. There were various challenges. Many things didn't go well. But when they did, a door to the future appeared.
The bond between my mother and me originated from "jumping," shaping our fundamental relationship.
It wasn't because someone told me, but I always fell into the habit of "jumping." It wasn't about wanting to show off by jumping farther than others and looking cool, but rather, feeling frustrated by the negative way of being told, "Can't you jump?" and inadvertently being challenged. "Jumping" could mean actually physically jumping, or making a decision. I liked climbing trees and waiting for my mother to come home from work from a high place. Even when I first challenged this habit, which has now become my trademark, I was guided by my own voice. I fell while hesitating to secure a foothold while climbing a tree. After trying several times, I found my own style. While critical of me waiting for my mother to come home from a high place in a tree, day by day, it became like a bond between mother and child. When I found my mother, I could hear the beating of my heart. It became the landscape of my mother and me.
The Number Two Position Earned Through Challenge
In the neighborhood, there was a large lumberyard surrounded by a brick fence. It wasn't very high, but it was tall enough for us kids. All my companions were older boys, and I was always the only girl among them. Some sort of unspoken leader would walk ahead, with a few following, and tasks would be assigned. That day, the leader began walking along the fence of the lumberyard, one by one, and I was the last. From where the lumber was stacked, I climbed up the fence like stairs. It was easy. The lumberyard felt vast, seemingly endless to a child. At first, I walked cautiously, but as I got used to it, my bad habit of being distracted set in. The sun was shining brightly overhead. Whether by a spell or my own foolishness, I looked towards the sun. In that moment, dizzy, I lost my footing. I fell, but there was tall grass below, soft and cushioning, and I wasn't hurt. What hurt more was being laughed at by my companions. However, the leader gave me another chance. He pushed me back up onto the fence, allowing me to walk next after him. And so, spurred on by the challenge, I "jumped" and seized the top position among my peers.
Throughout life, I've been provoked countless times, but the moment of jumping always fills me with an unpleasant feeling, as if bile is slowly rising in my throat. There have been both good and bad outcomes, but I've always been provoked by the voice in my heart to "jump." And now, I'm challenging myself to an incredible high jump in the realm of writing.