What’s a blliant Convasation!!
18:11 世界保健機関の看護師 Hello
18:14 しましま A friend of mine worked for a government agency in a Middle Eastern country. She was diagnosed with terminal cancer and given a few months to live. She had no children. She wanted to donate her inheritance to a peace-related cause, and asked me to act as her agent. She said I could keep 20% of the money. In other words, I will receive a large check in the next few days. I can easily pay the price.
18:14 世界保健機関の看護師 Please send $3000
18:14 世界保健機関の看護師 First
18:14 世界保健機関の看護師 To ensure a successful delivery to your house address
18:15 世界保健機関の看護師 Pay $3,000 first
18:15 しましま Wait Few days.
18:15 世界保健機関の看護師 If it's 100,000 yen
18:15 世界保健機関の看護師 It's simple
18:16 世界保健機関の看護師 Did you understand me
18:17 しましま I Can pay 100,00,yen Few days.Now have 3,000Yen.
18:17 世界保健機関の看護師 Okay pay it
18:17 世界保健機関の看護師 3000 yen
18:19 しましま I 'll Live a Life 3000yan Few days(laugh).
18:19 世界保健機関の看護師 Go to the store and buy a Japanese apple gift card worth 3000 yen
18:19 世界保健機関の看護師 Or you'll transfer it through Bitcoin
18:20 しましま 3,000Yen is Cell phone Commpany's Point,
18:21 世界保健機関の看護師 Please help me
18:21 世界保健機関の看護師 I'm suffering
18:21 しましま Do not exchange real monay>
18:21 世界保健機関の看護師 Send it through Bitcoin
18:22 しましま Wait few days.
18:22 世界保健機関の看護師 Please today
18:22 世界保健機関の看護師 Help me
18:23 しましま impossivle,
18:24 しましま I'll be Millonare Fewdays.
18:25 しましま I can paichase any Gold SWoo,
18:27 しましま Did You readed?
18:27 しましま A friend of mine worked for a government agency in a Middle Eastern country. She was diagnosed with terminal cancer and given a few months to live. She had no children. She wanted to donate her inheritance to a peace-related cause, and asked me to act as her agent. She said I could keep 20% of the money. In other words, I will receive a large check in the next few days. I can easily pay the price.
18:31 しましま 00:57
18:31 世界保健機関の看護師 You pay now
18:31 世界保健機関の看護師 $100,000
18:31 世界保健機関の看護師 Deposit
18:31 しましま impossible just now!!!
18:32 世界保健機関の看護師 Why
18:38 しましま Because I have real money now.
18:38 しましま Please read the previous part again. I will be a millionaire in a few days. I will be able to pay the full amount for the Gold all at once. Please trust me.
If I don't pay now, will you be killed immediately?
Please tell the agent about this.
18:39 世界保健機関の看護師 Contact the
agent and tell him
18:39 しましま OK.
18:40 世界保健機関の看護師 XXXXXXX@gmail.com
18:40 しましま OK.
18:45 しましま I've email previse part now..Please be assured.
18:46 しましま If I don't pay now, will you be killed immediately?(laugh)
18:46 世界保健機関の看護師 What's their answer
18:46 世界保健機関の看護師 Yes
18:48 しましま Koichiro Asega
You'll pay $3000 now to ensure a successful delivery to your house address
Write back to me requesting a payment account that you'll use and transfer money.
Or you'll transfer money through Bitcoin
Thank you for choosing FedEx logistics company, we're here to give you the best satisfaction
18:48 世界保健機関の看護師 Please pay now
18:48 しましま He is"Kopfmenshen".
18:48 世界保健機関の看護師 Request for their Bitcoin
18:49 しましま he is as if AI cybog(laugh).
18:53 しましま You will not be killed(laugh)
18:54 しましま Are you Cybog?
18:56 しましま I will be able to buy as much gold as I want in a few days (laugh).