Obscura Photo Clubメンバー作品紹介(2) Ms. Adamadia Goga
今回のObscura Photo Clubエキスパート会員紹介は、photographer Ms. Adamadia Goga(Corfu, Kerkira, Greece)。同Facebookグループに彼女が入会したのは5年前だった。それ以来、彼女は主力メンバーの一人として多くの秀作を残し、同グループの牽引役として支えてくれている。
[Ms.Adamadia Gogaからのメッセージ]
Dear friend... it is a joy for me to participate in your photography group " Obscura Photo Club". When I find the time to relax truly enjoy sharing my photos and I feel happy having the chance to admire some of members of the group and yours of course! Although you are a very talented photographer. You wisely keep a low profile and that makes me deeply respect you! I wish you all the best in every new beginning in life!
Take care and stay safe.
